Surviving Social Media



Social Media presentation for March 2011 presentation at the AACN NAP Conference in Chicago

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Surviving Social Media

How to put social media’s powerful tools to work for you

Social Media Landscape

9 out of 10 U.S. Internet users visits a social networking site at least once a month

Social networking sites accounted for 12% of all time spent online

3 out of every 10 U.S. Internet sessions included a visit to Facebook

Source: comScore 2010 U.S. Digital Year in Review

Social Media Usage

The people you are trying to reach

– prospective students, alums, donors, media, and pretty much everyone else – are using social media.

You should be, too.

Translation …

Focus on what you can manage Be consistent Be friendly Be careful Be innovative Borrow smartly Measure and adjust Play! Try stuff! Have fun!

8 Helpful Social Media Tips

Focus on whatyou can manage

and You don’t need

and and and …

You only need what you can do well

Start small – a blog? a Facebook page?

Grow strategically Plan content Learn from mistakes Be flexible – things change quickly

Social Media is not free …It takes time and effort to do well

Be consistent

You must …

Maintain a steady presence Build trust among your followers Give your followers something of value

Or else your followers will stop following


Be friendly

Most social media users are courteous

Some social media sites have their own etiquette – learn it and follow it

You are representing your brand

Social media is forever

If you make people mad, they will gang up on you and you will have a bad day …

Be friendly

What not to do: Nestle

Be Careful

Menus at Denny's encourage fans of the restaurant to "Join the Conversation" and point people to …

Denny’s Use of Twitter

… the account of a boy in Taiwan

Avoid typos – it’s not OK

If you make a mistake, don’t try to hide it … acknowledge it and move on

Avoid controversy whenever possible

Be careful

Kenneth Cole Fashion Nightmare

Be innovative

Using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others

More than 180 videos filmed over 3 days

In three days, the campaign reached more than 20 million views; in a week, it topped 40 million

Sales increased 107% over previous month

Old Spice campaign


(Almost as good as


Innovation and Imitation

Measure what you can

Account management tools

Measurement tools

Facebook posts fare best first thing in the morning or at the end of the day

Automatic re-Tweeting of news releases doesn’t move the needle

Re-Tweets and mentions of key influencers on Twitter yields more followers

What we’ve learned …

Have fun

Created by LA-based comedian Josh Simpson

Followed key influencers Got people’s attention with humor Created awareness of events in the Gulf Built a loyal following, spread virally Turned following into something positive …


Raised $20,000 via sale of t-shirts

Donated proceedsto the Gulf Restoration Network

Multi-channel social media campaign launched in March 2009 by Oregon State University

“You are Powered by Orange – the students, alumni, faculty and friends of Oregon State University – making a positive difference in Oregon and beyond.”

What is ‘Powered by Orange’?

PBO website PBO blog Google Map LinkedIn group YouTube channel Facebook page Flickr page Twitter account

Components include …

Dave AlexanderNew Media EditorJohns Hopkins UniversitySchool of



