


This report consists of the creation of a rewards membership plan for grocery store shoppers to receive personalized coupons that would appeal more to customers and increase revenues for supermarkets.

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PROJECT OVERVIEWThis report contains the final phase of the newly designed Supermart system to increase

customer loyalty and provide more personalized deals for common shoppers. Supermart plans on implementing a customer rewards program along with a more personalized dot-com website for shoppers to enhance interactions both at home and in the store. Shoppers will now be able to view their transaction history from any device that can access the internet. In order to successfully perform these tasks, the design phase of Supermart’s system is described below. Upon completion of the design phase implementation will begin.

The architecture design of Supermart’s system will provide a detailed summary of the non-functional requirements, including operational requirements, performance requirements, security requirements and cultural and political requirements. This section will focus on the methods used to ensure the system is operating safely and effectively rather than what the system is actually intended to perform. Additionally, this section will describe the hardware and software that will be used to support the system and the ways in which these components will interact with one another.

The physical database will show multiple tables and both the relationships within each table as well as their connection to other tables within the system. A basis for these tables is a result of the entity relationship diagram created during Phase #2 of this process. Phase #2 was the analysis period of the system creation. In this section data accuracy is one of our major concerns. To ensure this precision and to give the reader a complete understanding of the system, screen shots have been included.

The user interface prototype will give exceptional detail to how the system will react in specific scenarios. A storyboard, hand-drawn pictures of what the screens will look like has been included to display exactly how the screens will flow from one to another. This is most similar to how a storyboard for a cartoon shows how action flows from one scene to another. Forms and reports will also be found in this section with screenshots to demonstrate the essentials of our system. These designs will include both an input screen design and an output report design. The input screen design is based on the data flow diagram composed in Phase #2 of the system and will display what will be entered into the system. The output report design, also based on the data flow diagram, will show what occurs after data is run through the system.

Supermart is very excited to implement this new system and hopes to drastically increase revenue due to its faster and more reliable features. Each component of the system has been thoroughly analyzed and perfected by experts within the company. If all goes according to plan the system should be fully running by January 1, 2014.

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NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS1. Operational Requirements

These requirements specify the operating environment in which the system must perform and how the system will change over time if the environment should change.

Technical Environment

The system will operate under a web based interface, operating on all major browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari. The system will not require customers to have the latest version of Java or Shockwave on their computer. Therefore, the only requirement for customers would be internet accessibility. The system can also operate from other devices including smartphones and tablets.

The system will also require the company to have additional software customers do not need. The company must have Microsoft Access, a relational database that can establish referential integrity and relationships among data.

System Integration

The internet component will read data from the relational database. Data will include products purchased, date purchased, product number, price, number of products purchased and more (see attributres from entity relationship diagram and physical database). The store database interacts with the website by updating the customer’s account information, personal transaction history and personal deals. The store database also interacts with the supplier database by updating the number of products and any changes to specific products. The internet component and supplier database do not interact with each other.


Technology is everchanging and the system must remain updated with increasing Web standards. Each time a major browser is updated it is vital that the system remains compatable with the newer version. The system must also update databases, if they change, and ensure that it has the most up-to-date connection with the suppliers' system.


At this time the system does not have any specific maintainability requirements that can be anticipated for the future. In the case of a system failure, a service team will be on call at all hours to repair the system quickly and efficiently. All issues are expected to take less than 3 hours to resolve. Lastly, scheduled maintenace expections will be conducted once each month to ensure the system is operating correctly. An email will be sent to all customers notifying them of the scheduled maintenance at least

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one fully day in advance. Maintenace checks will be conducted when the least number of users are on the site, at approximately 3:30 am and are expected to last for a maximum of 2.0 hours.

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2. Performance Requirements

These requirements focus on performance issues such as response time, capacity and reliability. A main focus of these requirements is testability.

Speed Requirements

The speed requirement deals with the time it takes the system to perform its capabilities and carry out its functions. Supermart’s system will have a response time of at most 3 seconds to ensure speedy results for consumers. The system will also use real-time uploading of all files from consumers as well as real-time connectivity from the suppliers’ databases. Since purchases are made at all times, batch processing will give the consumer an outdated view of their most recent purchases or deals available through Supermart. Orders will also be submitted on a regular basis, approximately every 4 minutes, to ensure that customers who have coupons will not need to come back at a later date.

Capacity Requirements

The capacity requirement attempts to predict how many users the system will have to support. The system will need to support at a minimum of 500 users and can support up to 20,000 users. The system can also support up to 7,000 simultaneous users at any given time. Should the system need to process more transactions than its capacity during any given time, the user will receive a message stating that user should refresh the page and immediately attempt again. The system will store data for up to 20,000 unique users for a span of five years. If the five year mark is approaching the user will be notified if they would like a printed report of their past transactions or if the system can discard their history. This will affect their deals. The system can hold up to 5 TB of data and each transaction is not expected to use over 400 K of data. This means that if 20,000 users operated the system once a month the system would need to maintain .089 TB of data. The system has an excess of storage for multiple users.

Availability and Reliability Requirements

The availability and reliability requirement focuses on the extent to which users can expect the system to be in use for them. Supermart’s system will have a 99.9999999% uptime to ensure that customers and suppliers will be able to interact with the system whenever they need to. The only expected downtime will be during routine maintenance checks, described above as no more than 2.0 hours each month. The system will also be available to customers and suppliers twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Holidays are not excluded. Supermart believes customers should always be able to access their transactions and be able to know upcoming deals in advance.

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3. Security Requirements

Security is a main responsibility of Supermart. We ensure that our system is extremely secure and encourages both customers and suppliers to have secure systems as well. One of Supermart’s many goals is to prevent confusion. The system is mission critical and is necessary for the survival of the regional company.

Access Control Requirements

This requirement is used to determine which users may or may not access the system. Only managers and those who interact with suppliers on a regular basis may update the inventory system. All other employees must call a specialized attendant to access the inventory system should an issue arise. Additionally, suppliers can request to alter system tables but it must be verified by a technical manager of Supermart. In order to modify data a floor manager must use a key-code to ensure the customer representative is following proper procedures. To an entire entry from a database, a floor manager must contact a technical manager. Customers may not have access to the database and if an issue is noticed online the customer must call the support number which is available for their convenience.

Encryption and Authentication Requirements

The system uses authentication to ensure that only those who should be entering the system are able to. Both a user name and password are required to access the online portion of the system. All answers are case sensitive and after three attempts the system will lock the account. In this case the customer must call customer support to unlock their account. Additionally, employees seeking admittance to the database must enter their employee code. Each employee has a unique code that will be recognized by the system. Supermart’s online website uses private key encryption to ensure minimal attacks on the system. This means that an asymmetric encryption algorithm is used so that when a consumer attempts to log in with a public key, Supermart’s system will decrypt the password using a private key. This will also reduce man-in-the-middle attacks.

Virus Control Requirements

The system ensures that all files located on the system have been thoroughly analyzed by a virus protection program. Customers and suppliers should not be receiving any malicious data from the system.

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4. Cultural and Political Requirements

This is specific to countries and regions to which the system will be used.

Multilingual Requirements

Supermart’s system, although only necessary to operate in English, is able to be accessed by people of all diversities and ethnicities. The system is able to operate in 4 different languages including English, French, Italian and Spanish. The system will not need to be directed to those in other nations because currently Supermart is only in existence in the United States. Lastly, screen space will also accommodate the use of different languages (i.e. the different length of the words). Additionally, all of Supermart’s suppliers have databases that operate in English so there is no need for additional requirements with maintaining the database.

Customization Requirements

The entire application system will be operated by the central group as a result of fact that only one store currently exists. Upon expansion of stores, the system will then dedicate local authority to monitor users in different regions and nations.

Unstated Norms

There should be no unstated norms since over 99% of customers will be from the United States. Supermart caters to the majority of customers.

Legal Requirements

All personal information located on the customer file must only be viewed by authorized employees. Information may not be transferred to other organizations or to other users. A customer is only allowed to obtain their own personal transaction history and suppliers may only attain information regarding products. Suppliers have no access to view customer files or information. Supermart abides by all United States data protection and privacy laws.

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HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONThis section will describe the necessary hardware and software that will allow the application to run effectively.


There is a multitude of software needed to support this system. First, a dot-com platform must be issued and hosted to Supermart. The system will operate under loyalty.html and will be hosted by technical users at Supermart. Coding for the website will operate via the technical computer using C++. The system will also need a database system to interact with other companies. As a result the system will use Microsoft Access. Furthermore, although not directly part of the system, the system can export data to an SAS program to create reports, perform statistical analysis and keep track of accounting records. Each of these software systems is secure and verified by manufacturers. Although they are not all free, they are necessary to maintain a quality business for customers. Customers will need to have an internet connection to access their transaction history and deals but will not need any additional software that is not required to search the web.


The hardware of the system will contain three major components. The first is the computers that will be used by suppliers, customers and employees to access the system. The system can be accessed through any device that connects to the Internet. The hardware also contains a server which will store all of the software and data. This server is extremely large as a result of the many programs needed to access the data. Lastly, the system will use a network with Ethernet connection to ensure extremely high speeds and an always-on system. The combination of these three components will make the system extremely fast and allow for the proposed uptime of 99.9999999%. A monitor will be used to view the information. Lastly, a keyboard is required to input information. A computer mouse is not required to operate the system but will be useful when considering time.

Client-Server Architecture

Supermart’s system will use a client-based architecture where a thin client is implanted. Only the presentation logic will be the responsibility of the client computer. The server will house all of the data storage, data access logic and application logic. A client-server architecture was chosen because it is easier to increase or decrease data storage and if the server should fail only the applications requiring that specific server would fail, not all of the applications. Additionally, the system will use middleware so it is easy to translate between Supermart’s software and the software of the suppliers.

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PHYSICAL DATABASEThis section will show the tables in the database, how those tables are structured, and the relationships between the tables.

Customers Table

The customers table represents the customer information in for the database. It includes Customer ID, Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, Customer Email, Customer Street Number, Customer Street Name, Customer City, Customer State, Customer Zip, Customer Phone Number, and Sales Agent ID.

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Product Information Table

The Product Information Table is used to keep track of the products for sale at Supermart, the amount available, when more products should be ordered, and when the products should be taken off the shelf. This table includes Product ID, Supplier ID, Shelf Life in days, Product Name, Product Category, Quantity on Hand, Last Reorder Point, and Economic Reorder point

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Sales Department Table

The Sales Department table represents the Sales Agent information for Supermart. The Sales Agents are responsible for marketing to customers. The table includes Sales Agent ID, Sales Agent First Name, Sales Agent Last Name, Sales Agent Age, Years Employe, Sales Agent Street Number, Sales Agent Street Address, Sales Agent City, Sales Agent State, Sales Agent Zip Code, and Sales Agent Phone Number.

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Suppliers Table

The Suppliers Table represents the supplier info for each supplier Supermart uses to acquire its products. The table includes Supplier ID, Supplier Name, Supplier Phone Number, Supplier Street Number, Supplier Street Name, Supplier City, Supplier Zip Code, and Supplier State.

Transaction Table

The transaction table is a list of all transactions completed by customers. The transactions table includes Transaction ID, Product ID, Customer ID, Transaction Date, Total Dollars, and Discounts Used

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Relationships Diagram

The relationships diagram represents the relationships between the aforementioned tables. The suppliers table has a one to many relationship with the product information table based on the Supplier ID key. The product information table has a one to many relationship with the Transaction table based on the Product ID key. The sales department table has a one to many relationship with the customers table based on the Sales Agent ID key. Finally, the customers table also has a one to many relationship with the transactions table based on the Customer ID key.

STORYBOARDSCustomer Storyboard

This storyboard represents the screens the customer would see while interacting with the system. They include the necessary access screen, the create account screen, the account information screen, and the transaction history page

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Sales Agent Storyboard

This storyboard represents the screens the customer would see while interacting with the system. They include the sales agent access screen, the sales department form, the product information screen, the transaction history page, and the supplier information page.

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INPUT SCREEN DESIGNMember Registration Form

This form shows what a customer would have to enter into the system in order to register as a member of Supermart.

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Product Information Form

This form shows the input that must be made when an additional product is taken in by Supermart, one that has never been in stock before. In addition this form must be updated when suppliers ship more goods.

Sales Department Form

This is the form which must be updated when Supermart hires a new sales agent.

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Supplier Registration Form

This form is updated when Supermart begins using an additional supplier for new products they might be bringing in, or if they use a different supplier for the products they already have.

Transaction Form

This form is automatically filled our whenever a customer purchases a good from the store.

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OUTPUT REPORT DESIGNAll Product Information Report

This report is used by the sales agents to see which products are in stock, which are oversold, and everything else about the products they are advertising.

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All Suppliers Report

This is the output of all the suppliers who have registered with Supermart.

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All Transactions Report

This Report is used to show all of the transactions that have been made at Supermart. This information is queried to find the individual customer purchases. That information is used by both sales agents and customers.

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Total Customers Report

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This report shows all of the customers who have registered as members of Supermart.

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SWITCHBOARDThe switchboard represents the menu screen for the users of the system. They can open forms, reports, and queries which are necessary to operate our system. These include all of the forms and reports previously mentioned in the report.

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