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The solar system is a planetary system of the Milky Way galaxy that is located in one arm of it, known as the Orion Arm. It consists of a single star called Sol, which gives its name to this system, eight planets, plus the set of planets orbiting dwarf star, of which the best known are: Pluto, (136199) Eris, make , Haumea, and Ceres, as well as interplanetary space between them. At present, 283 are also other planetary systems orbiting other stars, 23 of which two are known explanets, 9 are known three of four known and one of another five. According to recent estimates, the solar system is about 28 thousand light-years from the center of the Milky Way, our galaxy [1].

The Sun is the star of the planetary system in which the Earth is, therefore, is closest to the Earth and the stars shine more apparent. Their presence or absence in the sky determined, respectively, day and night. The energy radiated by the sun is used by photosynthetic beings who constitute the base of the food chain, making the main source of energy for life. It also provides the energy that keeps running climate processes. The Sun is a star that is in the so-called main sequence with a spectral type G2, which was formed about 5000 million years and will remain on the main sequence approximately 5000 million years. The Sun with the Earth and all the celestial bodies orbiting around them, form the Solar System.

Mercury is the planet of the solar system closest to the Sun and the smallest (except for dwarf planets). It is part of the so-called inner or rocky planets. Mercury has no satellites. Very little was known about the surface until he was sent planetary probe Mariner 10, and made observations with radars and radio telescopes.

Venus is the second planet in the Solar System in order of distance from the Sun and the third in size (from smallest to largest). It is named in honor of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. It is a terrestrial planet or telluric, often called the sister planet of Earth, as both are similar in size, mass and composition. Venus's orbit is an ellipse with an eccentricity of less than 1%, almost a circle.

Earth is the third planet of the Solar System (including in order of distance from the eight planets of the Sun) and one fifth of them according to size. It lies about 150 million kilometers from the Sun until 2009, is the only planet on which we are aware of the existence of life. The Earth was formed at the same time as the Sun and the rest of the solar system some 4570 million years. The volume of the Earth is more than a million times smaller than the mass of the Sun and the Earth is nine times that of its satellite, the Moon. The average temperature of the earth's surface is about 15 ° C. At its origin, the Earth may have been only an aggregate of incandescent rock and gases.

Mars, sometimes known as the Red Planet, is the fourth planet of the Solar System. It is part of the so-called telluric planets (rocky in nature, like the Earth) and is the farthest planet interior to the Sun is in many ways the most Earth-like.

Jupiter is the fifth planet of the Solar System. It is part of the so-called outer planets or gas. Was named after the Roman god Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology). It is the planet that offers greater brightness throughout the year depending on their stage. It is, moreover, after the largest celestial body Sol Solar System, with a mass nearly two and a half times that of the other planets combined (318 times heavier than Earth and Saturn more than 3 times). Jupiter is a gaseous body mass, composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, lacking an inner surface defined. Among the atmospheric details are the Red Spot, an enormous anticyclone located in tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere, the banded structure of clouds and areas, and the strong momentum of zonal winds with speeds up to 140 m / s (504 km / h).

Saturn is the sixth planet in the Solar System, is second in size and mass of Jupiter and is the only one with a ring system is visible from our planet. Its name comes from the Roman god Saturn. It is part of the so-called outer planets or gaseous Jovian also called for its resemblance to Jupiter. The most characteristic are the brightest of Saturn rings. Before the invention of the telescope, Saturn was the farthest of the planets known, and at first glance did not appear bright or interesting. The first look at the rings was Galileo in 1610 but the low inclination of the rings and the low resolution of a telescope made him think at first that it was large moons. Christiaan Huygens best means of observation in 1659 was able to clearly see the rings. James Clerk Maxwell in 1859 showed mathematically that the rings could not be a single solid object but should be a grouping of millions of smaller particles.

Uranus is the seventh planet of the Solar System, the third in size, and the fourth most massive. The main feature of Uranus is the inclination of its axis of rotation of almost ninety degrees with respect to its orbit, the inclination is not limited to the same planet, but also to its rings, satellites and the magnetic field of the same. Uranus has a more uniform surface of all the planets by their characteristic blue-green, produced by the combination of gases in its atmosphere and has a ring system that are not observable to the naked eye. It also has a blue ring, which is a global rarity. Uranus is one of the two planets have a retrograde motion, similar to that of Venus.

Neptune is the eighth and last planet in the Solar System. It is part of the so-called outer planets or gas giants, and is the first that was discovered by mathematical predictions. Its name comes from the Roman god Neptune, the god of the sea.