Sugar U: Session 4: Using SugarCRM as a Project Development Platform



See how Sugar can be used as a solid platform for any project inside or outside the traditional scope of CRM.

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SUGARCONSAN FRAnciscoApril 24TH | 3:30pm

firsta bit about us

DRI, est. 1999

A Global company

SugarCRM Gold Partner

ESA Member

100+ Sugar Projects

HOW this came about

The CRMmarket is small

CRM is not an “indispensable need”

We needed to get


Go beyond the scope of CRM

See CRM as an added value

not the core of the project

A New way of

approaching projects

Any process can be targeted

Any process can be modeled

Some people use spreadsheets

Some people use Paper

We use sugar

the whole process logic goes into CRM

Or just the workflow control

that’s what we mean by

sugarcrm as a project development


Plenty of cherries on top

Leverage a pre-built reporting layer

And a marketing automation one

Respond to change

all information is linked

key information visible to stakeholders

achieve a relationship with the customer

Integrate it with other processes

You'll be able tol e v e r a g esugarcrm

and technically

No need to build from scratch

Plenty of things you won't need to worry about

User Management

Security and access control

Common Interface



One word: Framework

and lighterQuality Assurance

put screenshots where our mouth is

backoffice/company users are sugar users

customers are contacts/portal users

customers sees/interacts via portal


internal users have full visibility

very customized external interface

you'll be able to hack if/when needed


portal 1

portal 2

Sometimes users can't cope with more than a few buttons

Or what your customer needs doesn't feel like it fits into Sugar...

ui/functional overhaul

contact center

Field Force Management

Mass data entry 1

Mass data entry 2

Mass data entry 3

On projects of different natures

CRM is added as an extra layer

SugarCRM on top of other features / apps

CRM as external tool

Social Network Big Brother 1

Social Network Big Brother 2

So, to wrap it up

100+ SugarCRM implementations

Maybe 5 without customization

SugarCRM is a broad spectrum product

We show customers how CRM fits into their needs

and make sure Sugar is properly shaped!

Thank you

talk to us

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