Stop coding start testing


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Stop coding start testingPascal Dufour & Valerio Barrila

Valerio BarrilaTech guy @ninjatux2k

Pascal Dufour Test guy


Agenda• Why and how Minosse is developed• How to create automated checks in Minosse (CucumberJS)• Thoughts behind writing great feature files

Test tool stackTools we used

The new testerProgram languages

• Groovy


• NodeJS

• Ruby

Easy to switch for testers between projects

• One language for test automation across projects

• Test written in a uniform style across projects

Problems we solved

Easy to adapt for new testers

• Tests written in a readable language for a techie person

• No scripting skills required to write automated tests

Easy life for developers

• Test implementation code is written once

• Bugs and fixes in one place

Agenda• Why and how Minosse is developed• How to create automated checks in Minosse (CucumberJS)• Thoughts behind writing great feature files

MinosseGeneric set of common steps for testing API

Generic set of common steps for testing API

(ab)-use CucumberJS

• Property steps

• HTTP steps

• Debug steps


Load testdata

• Given I set property foo to testdata foo

Setting a property

• Given I set property foo of request body to number 4

Remove a property

• Given I remove property foo

Property setting steps

Set the request body

• Given I set the request body to property foo

Set a request header

• Given I set the request header bar with value foo

Set the request content type

• Given I set the request header Content-Type with value multipart/formdata

Save the response body

• Given I set property foo to the response body

Http steps Set requests and save response body

Send a request

• Given I send a POST request to /foo

Sending an HTTPS request

• Given I secure the connection with certificate certificate.crt and with key keyFile.key

Check the response code

• Given the response status code is 200

Http steps sending a request and check

Checking if property does not exist

• Given I check property foo of response body does not exist

Checking the value of a property

• Given I check property foo of response body equals number 4

Checking the type of a property

• Given I check property foo of response body has type number

Checking the format of a property

• Given I check property bar has format email

Property checking steps

Print a property

• Given DEBUG I print property foo

Debug steps

API we test

Install time!

Setup your own environmentInstall instructions

1. Install NodeJS

2. Clone the api repository `git clone`

3. Checkout the release 0.1.0 `git checkout tags/0.1.0`

4. cd restcountries && npm install minosse cucumber

Or we made an environment for youInstall instructions

1. Ask Pascal or Valerio the USB

2. Copy the content somewhere in your machine

3. Import the machine in VirtualBox

You can also download the machine here:

It works

Folder structure

Steps loader (steps.js)


Scenario: Calling Get should return a 200 status code

Given I send a GET request to /

When the response status code is 200

Assignments 1 add a debug step

Then DEBUG I print property response body

For handouts see

Scenario: Calling Get should return a 200 status code Given I send a GET request to / When the response status code is 200 Then DEBUG I print property response bodyAnd I check

Assignments 2 add a check on the response

property message of response body equals string Welcome buddy!

Scenario: Calling Get on endpoint /incorrect should return a 404 status code and the message Sorry, that page does not exist Given I send a GET request to /incorrect When the response status code is 404 And I check

Assignments 3 check a specific status

property message of response body equals string Sorry, that page does not exist

Scenario: Calling Get on endpoint api/v1 should return a 200 status code and I check multiple properties. Given I send a GET request to /api/v1 When the response status code is 200 And I check

Assignments 4 check a specific value

property res.body[0].name equals string Afghanistan

Scenario: I want to show my custom steps Given I want to create a custom step

Assignments 5 create a custom step

Agenda• Why and how Minosse is developed• How to create automated checks in Minosse (CucumberJS)• Thoughts behind writing great feature files

What the testers do in the project

Create test ideasReview documentation

Review testsCreate automated

testsMaintain tests

Exploratory testing

Review reports

HipChat integration

• Developers and Testers in the chat

Failure notifications for the team

•Created by the team.

•Self verifying data for files en test….

•1 test should test 1 thing (single responsibility pattern). 

•Exploratory testing is mandatory for a good check

•What is implemented is tested. => Test should always reflect implementation.

•We use Coverage Report to measure the test coverage. To train ourselves in creating better test.

•Everything is reviewed by the someone in the team or by an other team

Writing a good feature file

@collect-active Feature: As a user I want to collect and receive stamps with bonus stamp offers @BSO Scenario Outline: As a user I want to collect and receive stamps with bso Given testdata collect_active is stored as collect ........ When I send a POST request to /…/………………/active Then the response status code is 200 And check property transactionId of response body is property transactionIdentifier And check property newBalance of response body is number <newBalance> And check property mutation of response body is number <mutation>

Examples: |amountSpent |bso |value |newBalance |mutation | |10 |Bso1Stamps |1 |2 |2 | |10 |Bso100Stamps |1 |101 |101 | |20 |Bso1Stamps |7 |9 |9 | |10          |BsoLimitedLife |1     |2           |2         |



Body text

• Bullet

Slide title

Body text

• Bullet

Code coverage to change the test

special thanks to Jasper WoudenbergDesmond Delissen

Ice mobile
