Stock photography



A beginner's guide to stock photogr

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…the supply of photographs licensed for specific uses. It is used … instead of hiring a photographer. … Often, they are produced in studios using a wide variety of models posing as professionals, stereotypes, expressing stereotypical emotions and [gestures] or involving pets. (


Images are submitted to an agency that acts as a go-between (between photographer and purchaser)

Some agencies buy the copyrights from the photographer; some agencies take a percentage of the sale or license; and some (few) agencies are non-profit

How It Works

Image pricing depends on the size of audience, the length of time and region the image will be used, the exclusivity of the use, and the photographer’s reputation

Typical earnings for photographers: $1-200 per image licensed

The Money

Getty Images Corbis ShutterStock iStockPhoto Dreamstime Stockxpert Fotolia MorgueFile

Agencies: A Sampling

Check out available images, and add types of images that are not represented

Look at sites’ “wish lists” as well as their guidelines

Start out with a free sharing site, like MorgueFile (

Get feedback on your images by seeing how many people download them (for free)

Don’t expect to make money fast—you will have to fund your own projects for awhile

How to Get Started

Guidelines on iStockphoto

You are your own boss Freedom to take any photos, any time,

any where, any style Can easily be done “on the side” or as a


The Benefits

Income fluctuates and is unpredictable You need a strong grasp on copyright

and licensing issues

The Downside

(Royalty) Free: a “flat fee” to use the image multiple times for multiple purposes (with limits)

No time limit on when the buyer can use an image

The photographer retains exclusive rights to the image

Copyright Terms: Royalty Free

License value is determined by the use of the image

The terms of the license are clearly defined and negotiated

Provides assurance that an image will not be used by another buyer in a conflicting manner

Editorial is a form of rights-managed license when there are no model releases for the subjects; since there are no releases, the images can only be used for noncontroversial news or educational purposes

Copyright Terms: Rights Managed

As far as photography is concerned, “public domain” is the category for images in which the photographer has clearly forfeited intellectual property rights

These images can be used by anyone, anytime, in any way

Copyright Terms: Public Domain

Majority of images that sell contain people

You must have model releases for any identifiable people in your images

Do not include images of corporate logos or trademarks, and avoid recognizable products

Tag your photos carefully Include a short description, including the

name of the location if it’s significant


Today: Take photos to represent “school” (as well as anything else you wish).

Tomorrow: Create an account on or another agency site of your choosing. Upload at least two images from yesterday (you can Photoshop them first). Copy the link to your images on our wiki’s Stock Photos page (

