State of Social Media for Civic Leaders 2013




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The State of Social Media:For Civic Leaders 2013

Created for the Lower Mainland and Local Government Association

By: Kemp Edmonds

available now:



• Introduction• State of Social Media• Civic Engagement Exploration• 5 Key Considerations• What Can You Do? Best Practices & Risks• Developing a Strategy• Q & A

• How did I get here?• What did it take?

Introduction & Agenda


It started here…

and never ends.

Self-directed Learning

Love and Work

• Social is bigger than email. Way bigger.• It’s Mobile• Video Rules• Facebook Dominates• Email, mail and phone still remain vital.• Citizen Engagement Online

State of New Media

Social surpassing email

Time spent Online

It’s Mobile!

Source: B2B Demand Generation Benchmark Report, 2012.

Video Rules

Source:, Experian Hitwise

Top 10 Social Networking Sites

Facebook Dominates

Adults Using Social Networks

Use Social Networks

Do Not Use Social Networks

Source: US Pew Internet Research, April, 2013

40% Do Not use Social Networks

Politically Engaged Social Network Users

Not EngagedEngaged

Source: US Pew Internet Research, April, 2013

66% of those that do are Politically Engaged

Source: Ipsos Reid

They are very active

• More likely to sign a petition in real life than online. (22% vs. 17%)

• More likely to contact a government official about an issue in person, by phone, or buy letter than online, by email, or by text message. (21% vs. 18%)

• Much more likely to comment on an online news story or blog post about a political or social issue than they are to call into a live radio or TV show. (18% vs. 7%)

• Slightly more likely to send a letter to the editor to a newspaper or magazine online, by email, or by text message than to send a letter by regular mail. (4% vs. 3%)

Source: US Pew Internet Research, April, 2013

How likely are citizens to act?

• Social Network Users are more likely to be politically active.

• More Americans used social networking sites for political purposes in 2012 than used them at all as recently as 2008.

• 83% of political SNS users also get involved in political or social issues in one way or another outside the bounds of social networking sites themselves.

Source: US Pew Internet Research, April, 2013

Key findings from PEW

1. Aligning Objectives• Social media use should support the organizational mission

and overall communication strategy

2. Transparency and Collaboration• Social media tools to create a more coordinated


3. Engaging the Public• Social media changes the way government engages


4. Privacy and Security• Key issues and concerns

5. Analytics and Metrics• Ensuring accurate, targeted performance analysis

Key Considerations

Source: Simon Sinek, graphic:

Start with Why?

Organizational Goals

Communications Objectives

Measures of Success

Operational Tactics

Breaking it Down

Source: City of Edmonton Open Data Project.

Transparency with Open Data

• Enterprise social tools regularly used by government workers include wikis, blogs, microblogs, social tagging, user comment options and discussion groups

• Social tools can motivate location-independent collaboration in anyone-to-anyone communications

• IT departments are upgrading existing intranets by integrating social tools such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Collaboration - Agencies

Empower Citizens

Have a Social Media Policy

Collaboration – Existing Systems

Source: 2012, Survey of BC municipalities

There is room to grow

Engagement is two way

Provide citizens a voice

1. Information Dissemination

2. Customer Service

3. Two Way Discussion

Get Started Engaging the Public

• Privacy Security & Sensitive Information• Exposing personal information violates FOIPPA

• Copyright • Actions could be an infringement of intellectual property

rights.• Appropriate Information

• Employee cannot use their government employee status to privately comment on social media sites

• Compliance and Record Keeping• Any information or advice provided online must be retained

and filed in accordance with appropriate government record management standards of procedures

Source: BCGov Policy

Privacy & Security

• Growth of target communities -Benchmarks required. How much has the community grown?

• Engaging communities - How engaged are your publics? Likes, Comments, Mentions etc

• Conversions – Are we getting clicks on our links? Do people complete actions?

• Loyalty – are people coming back to your content or site after the first visit?

• Sentiment – are people’s posts positive, negative or neutral?

• Customer Service – Do you have benchmarks? Are we trying to improve those?

Analytics & Metrics

What is being measured?

• Goal

• Objective

• Measures

• Tactics

Be Integral to the Community


% increase in

Twitter Mentions

% increase in

Social Mentions

Website traffic from social sites

A Social Marketing Example

Organizational Goals

Communications Objectives

Measures of Success

Operational Tactics

Starting with Why

• Get Started on Twitter• Set up a Facebook Page• Establish Rules with your team• Do not abandon your channel• Follow the Social Media Leaders• What not to do. Bad Examples

What can you do?

• Represent yourself in your profile


Get started on Twitter


• Represent yourself in your profile

Set up a Facebook Page

• Who can post?• What types of posts are made?• Post at least once a day on Twitter• Follow Carefully• Respond and Engage• Post at least once a week on Facebook• Try to use first person when possible• Stay Positive

Establish rules with your team

• Respond and engage when time allows

Do not abandon your channel

Follow Social Media Leaders

• Old photos on social networks are forever

Source: Facebook

What no to do. Bad Examples.

• Things you said 11 years ago on a gaming forum can hurt you politically.


What no to do. Bad Examples.

• Saying stupid things will sink your ship

Source: Twitter

What no to do. Bad Examples.


Strategy trumps tactics


The Inside-Out Strategy


Begin with Goals


From Goals steam Objectives


…then measures of success

Last comes execution

A Social Marketing Example

• Goal

• Objective

• Measures

• Tactics

Be Integral to the Community


% increase in

Twitter Mentions

% increase in

Social Mentions

Website traffic from social sites

Source: Kris Krug,

Social Media is about People

Government is about People

Source: Kris Krug,

Social Media is about Government

Source: Image By US Mission Geneva on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

Essential Tools

• What are your organizational objectives?• Where does your audience gather?• Social Networks are great for Networking• Be human. Interact. Build Trust.• Do not behave negatively• Do not abandon your account• Work with a trusted team

When getting started

Special Thanks to Tina Chalal & The LMLGA

Signup for a Free HootSuite Account Today!

Let’s take a look if there’s time!

Learn more about Social Media for Government:• Tweet me: @kempedmonds• This Presentation:• More Presentations:

Q & A
