SPSToronto - Future-Proofing Your SharePoint Strategy


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#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Future-Proofing Your SharePoint Strategy

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Presented By: Richard Harbridge

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Who am I?

BostonWe Washington

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

SPTechConThe SharePoint Technology Conference

SPTechConThe SharePoint Technology Conference

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge




#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge


#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Why Does Future-Proofing Matter?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

If You Aren’t Working Toward The Future You Will Fall Behind

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

How Do You Future-Proof A SharePoint Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

What Is The Secret To A Good Strategy?

What are our winning conditions for SharePoint?

What are our objectives for SharePoint?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Future-Proofing SharePoint StrategyCan be done by following these 3 key steps…

Achieve Shared Understanding Of Objectives

Remaining Focused On Achieving Objectives

Plan For SharePoint Challenges And Risks

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Why Am I Here Today?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have You Seen The New DirectTV Commercials?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have You Seen The New DirectTV Commercials?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have You Seen The New DirectTV Commercials?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have You Seen The New DirectTV Commercials?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have You Seen The New DirectTV Commercials?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have You Seen The New DirectTV Commercials?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have You Seen The New DirectTV Commercials?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

When You Implement SharePoint Without A Strategy…


#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Can SharePoint ___?Yes!

You Might Assume SharePoint Does Everything…

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

And That SharePoint Is The Perfect Fit!

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

And So… You Install SharePoint On A Single Server.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Start Climbing Up To Success!

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Things Started Out Simple

Visual Concept By Virgil Carroll

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Then It Grew

Visual Concept By Virgil Carroll

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Then It Got Totally Out Of Control!!

Visual Concept By Virgil Carroll

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Decision Makers Can No Longer Agree…

Not as much as a kitten picture rotator!

We need a records management solution!

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

The CFO Watches Costs Increase

Actually that requires a third party product..

Easy! Just need to customize one thing…

That requires enterprise CALs…

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

IT Services Can’t Support The Flood Of New Requests

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

People Are Having More Trouble Finding What They Need


#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

As A Result You Are No Longer Climbing Towards Success…

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Don’t let this be you.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Don’t implement SharePoint without

a good Strategy.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Future-Proofing SharePoint StrategyCan be done by following these 3 key steps…

1. Achieve Shared Understanding Of Objectives

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

1. Shared UnderstandingOf Objectives

#SPSToronto @RHarbridgeConcept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

1 2



6 7 8 910

Abundance Of Helpful Data1. Area Map2. Our Direction3. Our Route4. Points Of Interest5. Our Route Risks6. Upcoming Action7. Distance/Time To Goal8. Estimated Duration9. Current Speed/Limit10. Current Road

The Destination Matters

What If We Haven’t Identified Our Destination/Goal?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Identifying Our Objectives

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Abstract Objectives (Platitudes)

These are not good objectives!

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

In Canada we learn this right after hockey appreciation in grade school.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

We would like to automate and improve our

‘paper based’ ‘legal’ ‘contract mngmt’’

‘contract rview’ processes. Specifically we would

like to ‘imprv request rspnse time’ by…

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Prioritizing Objectives Requires Understanding Value And Difficulty

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

The Simplest Prioritization Formula Ever…

Estimated Value

Estimated Difficulty

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Prioritization Example I have a difficult solution. It’s an 8 in difficulty (out of 10).

I have an easy solution. It’s a 2 in difficulty (out of 10).

The expected value of the difficult solution is 4 (out of 10).

The expected value of the easy solution is 6 (out of 10).

Estimated ValueEstimated Difficulty

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Prioritize and Plan S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Ensure everyone understands the


#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Future-Proofing SharePoint StrategyCan be done by following these 3 key steps…

1. Achieve Shared Understanding Of Objectives2. Remaining Focused On Achieving Objectives

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

2. Remain Focused On Achieving Objectives

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Implemented LegalContracts Solution!

Have we achieved our objective?

Implemented SharePoint!

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

A Lesson Courtesy Of The Mars Rover

Primary among the mission's scientific goals is to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Launch Minded People Think…

Pre Launch Launch

Don’t blow up!

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Don’t let this be you.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Pre Launch Launch Flight Landing

Post Launch People Think…Have we succeeded in gaining adoption?

Have we achieved our objectives?

What are our objectives?

How will we achieve them?

Don’t blow up!

What feedback are we getting?

How should we adjust our trajectory?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Be this kind of person.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Back to our friend the Mars Rover…

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Have We Achieved Our Goal?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly

Achieved Primary Objective

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

How Important Was Launch?

Concept Courtesy of Andrew Jolly


How many people understood how much was involved in planning for launch?

How many people understood how much was involved after launch?

Post Launch

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Don’t be the person who understands how to get to a successful launch.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Be the person who understands how to get to a successful landing

(again and again).

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Future-Proofing SharePoint StrategyCan be done by following these 3 key steps…

1. Achieve Shared Understanding Of Objectives2. Remaining Focused On Achieving Objectives3. Plan For SharePoint Challenges And Risks

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

3. Plan For SharePoint Challenges And Risks

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Strategy Is A Plan Of Action Designed To Achieve Objectives

A strategy must specify what action will happen in each contingent state… e.g. if the opponent does A, then take action B, whereas if the opponent does C, take action D.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Future-Proof Strategies Prepare For Challenges And Risks

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Need A Comprehensive Strategy.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Business Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Technology Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Document Management Strategy?

• Identified & Nominated Stakeholders• Document Inventory • Document Lifecycle• Document Organization & Metadata• Document Workflows

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Visible Costs

Hidden Costs ImplementationHardwareCustomizationIT PersonnelMaintenanceTraining

Do you have a Cost Management Strategy?

Software Licenses

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Governance Strategy?

SharePoint Standards Online

SharePoint Governance Documents

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Business Process Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have an Infrastructure Strategy?

Do You Have Documentation For Deviating From Default Settings?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Backup and Recovery Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Performance Strategy?

If we can save 2 seconds of loading time does it matter?

Let’s say you are a law firm and you have 300 attorneys. The typical Attorney bills at $300.00 per hour. Attorneys visit this page roughly 50 times per day and we assume a Calendar year of 280 billable days (because we all work too much)…

That is roughly $700,000.00 worth in billable time saved per year to deliver more value to clients.

($25.00 per second for 28,000 seconds per year).

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Support Strategy?

SharePoint Standards Online

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Taxonomy Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Security Strategy?


#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Development Strategy?

Customizations Ahead

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have an Integration Strategy?

When I Say “SharePoint Integration” You Probably Think Of This...

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have an Adoption Strategy?

Adoption Activities Listing

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Usability Strategy?

Consistency Across User Environments

Modify Provisioned Site (or Templates) Based on Need

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Staffing Strategy?

Building A SharePoint Team

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Mobile Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Search Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a Social Strategy?

Eight Key Considerations

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Some Strategies Are Dependent On The Workloads You Use

SharePoint For…

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Do you have a SEO Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Need A Comprehensive Strategy.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

It’s a lot to think about.

Think about it.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

1. Achieve Shared Understanding Of Objectives2. Remaining Focused On Achieving Objectives3. Plan For SharePoint Challenges And Risks

Future-Proofing SharePoint StrategyCan be done by following these 3 key steps…

1. Achieve Shared Understanding Of Objectives2. Remaining Focused On Achieving Objectives3. Plan For SharePoint Challenges And Risks

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Why Are We Here Today?

Do Over

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Let’s Try That Again With A Strategy

Remember What Happened Without A Strategy?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

When You Implement SharePoint With A Good Strategy…

Hi Again!

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Have Prioritized S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

SharePoint Is Part Of Your Overall Enterprise Technology Plan

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Are Climbing Your Way To Your Objectives!

Destination 300 meters ahead…

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Are Focusing On What’s Next!

Destination 300 meters ahead…

Launch Post Launch

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Plan For The Challenges/Risks In Your Way.

Richard’s AWESOME PowerPoint SlideDeck

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

And As A Result?

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Decision Makers Have Enough Information

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

The CFO Succeeds In Reducing Costs.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

IT Services Can Support New Requests

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

People Are Actually Finding What They Need


#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

You Go Home Feeling Awesome.

#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Be the person with a good SharePoint


#SPSToronto @RHarbridge

Questions? Ideas? Feedback? Contact me:Twitter: @RHarbridge Blog: http://www.RHarbridge.comEmail: Richard@RHarbridge.comResources:

700+ SharePoint IA Slides at..PracticalIntranet.com

130+ SharePoint Standards at.. SPStandards.com

15 Pages of Important Questions at.. SharePointDiagnostics.com

Thank You Organizers, Sponsors and You for Making this Possible.
