Springfield Tornado, Tribute to a GREAT City 2011



This slide look focuses on the devastation cause by the Tornado with a special emphasis on historic resource. Many lifes have been damaged or disrupted. But it is also important to realize that Springfield was once a very rich city and that the built environment we've inherited is irreplaceable and wonderful. Apparently FEMA has a historic preservation unit headed by John Ketchum, in DC (john.ketchum@dhs.gov). It's important that we lean on them to assess that aspect of this situation to be sure that those things that can be saved, are saved - especially the Ames Hill campus of MacDuffie

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Springfield Tornado June 1, 2011

Reflections on a disaster/

Tribute to a Once & Future GREAT City

“City of Homes” also a City of spectacular trees

Beech Street – Some of the Most Shocking Destruction

Beech Street

Springfield College, Cost more to fix than demolish!?

Springfield Cemetery

A National Treasure!

Don’t forget. American glory started here – Watershops

Voices on the street spoke of horrific sound and fear

Hundreds of historic houses damaged. WE can save them!

These guys and that girl (and her mom) made me hopeful

Then came a gifted Governor and a Mayor who “gets it” and cares

Thank you Deval & Dom Sarno!


Oh yea, just in case you forgot

This is how Springfield kicks butt

The City of Homes is a city with more amenities, cultural assets

and reasons to believe than most places in America.

The ember theory! What was can always glow and sparkle again

Here’s to Looking at You

Forest Park is THE best urban park in western New England

Springfield Museums ROCK

The architecture here is astonishing

Produced by Historic Springfield, A Facebook community

A program of William Hosley, TerraFirma NE-wnhosley@snet.net
