Spartups @ Innovate USF


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1. And how can you start up a Start-Up? Saif Akhtar 2. Always wanted to be my own boss. Watched The Social Network Inspired! Pursued my first start-up during Senior Year: What the heck are we doing? Where do we even start? Totally lost and confused. Mentors? Advisors? Anyone? Will this even work? Failed. Graduated, SJSU11 BSME. Woopty-freakin-do! Networking for failed start-up led to first job after college @The Nerditorium 3. Founder & Executive Directorwww.Spartups.comChief Operations Officerwww.Pinfluence.comChief Collaborator 4. So Can You! 5. Fear of Failure & Disappointment 6. Im too young. 7. Im too young. I didnt go to an ivy-league. 8. Im too young. I didnt go to an ivy-league. I dont have any money. 9. Im too young. I didnt go to an ivy-league. I dont have any money. I dont know how to code/sell. 10. Im too young. I didnt go to an ivy-league. I dont have any money. I dont know how to code/sell. The start-up life is too unpredictable. 11. Im too young. I didnt go to an ivy-league. I dont have any money. I dont know how to code/sell. The start-up life is too unpredictable. Im afraid of the unknown. 12. Im too young. I didnt go to an ivy-league. I dont have any money. I dont know how to code/sell. The start-up life is too unpredictable. Im afraid of the unknown. Its not the right time. Too busy. 13. Im too young. I didnt go to an ivy-league. I dont have any money. I dont know how to code/sell. The start-up life is too unpredictable. Im afraid of the unknown. Its not the right time. Too busy. Im afraid of failing. 14. Answer What if? 15. Answer What if? Identify your strengths and weaknesses. 16. Answer What if? Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Distance yourself from negativity. 17. Answer What if? Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Distance yourself from negativity. Trouble is inevitable dont waste time planning for it. 18. Answer What if? Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Distance yourself from negativity. Trouble is inevitable dont waste time planning for it. Surround yourself with like-minded people. * Great resource: The 4-Hour Work Week Tim Ferriss 19. Abstract thinking. 20. Abstract thinking. Network. 21. Abstract thinking. Network. Collaborate. 22. Abstract thinking. Network. Collaborate. Get involved. Spartups: Collaborators The Relay Foundation: Investors; Incubators Agora Startup House: Incubator @ UC-Berkeley Youth Business America: Mentors; Investors 23. Think of ways to ADD VALUE! 24. Not starting soon enough! 25. Were here to help you every step of the way! 26. Questions?Saif
