Some of my best friends are robots



This is the presentation I gave at nextMEDIA in Toronto on December 1, 2009. I wanted to convey the message that we need to bring more human into our use of the new tools that are built for humans.

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some of my best friends are robots

tara ‘missrogue’ hunt

the singularity is upon us...

tale #1: Rogers’ robot army

composite: not an actual photograph

“We’re not here to replace existing channelsof communications and customer care...

(which channels would those be?)...but to complement them.”


“Tip for Rogers: instead of hiring ppl for Twitter, why not try hiring ppl to answer your phones?”

“Thanks for the follow!I usually tweet about

social media and baking!You can find out more

about me on my website: a great day!”

tale #2: automated human bots

• follows the same number of people who follow him/her and is in the thousands

• follows you, then unfollows you if you don’t follow back right away

• if you DO follow back, sends a chirpy ‘thanks for the follow’ message instantly

• will stop #followfriday-ing people if you don’t reciprocate

• sends out ‘timed’ tweets - usually promotional in nature and spaced out rationally during the day

tell tale signs of an automated human bot

tale #3: humans trained to be bots

Wisdom includes:

• when and how to make “the exception to every rule”

• when and how to improvise

• knowing that real world problems are often ambiguous and ill-defined and the context is always changing

• knowing how to use moral skills in the pursuit of the right aims

• taking the time to get to know the people that you are serving, to try new things and occasionally fail and learn from those failures

• caring for people.

smart, efficient & logic driven

ambiguous, feeling & wise

the new Turing test

“any action that prioritizes rules, protocols, logic, efficiency, procedures or any other type of pre-set guidelines at the cost of relationships or compassion towards other human beings indicates robotic nature.”

how to de-robotize (and join the human revolution)

personal brand vs. personality!

get a personality

• dare to be imperfect

• admit your mistakes

• expose your quirks/passions

• have fun

• whenever you start to feel pidgeon-holed or stagnant, challenge yourself to try something new

• read, listen to and open your mind to people who think different than you

The majority of successful people followed their passion, not a formula...

message vs. purpose


message purpose

outgoing two-way

externalized internalized

crafted believed in

brand-centric intention-centric

pushed people are drawn to

creates noise creates connections

benefits oneself benefits the world

agreed upon/official discussed/changing

head gut

consistency vs. compassion#3

consistency may be efficient, but it doesn’t make the recipient feel like a special snowflake...

consistent compassionate

scheduled follow-ups thinking of someone and dropping them a note

auto-responders making sure you are interacting with the people you follow

crafted messages/responses

sending personal notes to those you know...even if you

have to tell them you are really busy at the moment.

pre-scheduled posts post when you are inspired/have something to say

sending the same message to multiple people

responding to people individually

responding to absolutely everybody

responding when it is appropriate/real

shortcuts vs. investments


why shortcuts don’t work:

• you rob yourself of the opportunity to learn

• short term thinking damages long term relationships (burns bridges)

• will lead to long term costs

• you miss out on connections

• you miss out on opportunities

• you miss the point

quantity vs. quality


when you concentrate on numbers, you lower the potential of engagement...

basic math50 good conversations

yield20 solid sales

(plus repeat/referral)

150000 spam messagesyield

11.25 sales*(low repeat/referral)

50 good conversationsyield

20 solid sales(plus repeat/referral)

*based on studies of average spam (porn aside) click-thru rate of 0.0075% - purchase may be lower

more math

gained 100,00 extra followers@geoffliving (7,500 followers) posted this photo + tweeted it = 140 views =

1.86 click through rate

@kanter retweeted it = +120 views = 0.001 click through rate

(120,000 followers) - (relationships) < (7,500 followers) + (relationships) +


the key lies in relationships...numbers don’t matter, engagement + impact does.

real influencers use their powers for good not for personal glorification...

joining the human revolution

1. personality instead of personal brands

2. purpose instead of messaging/mission statements

3. compassion and caring over consistency

4. long term investments instead of taking shortcuts

5. quality over quantity

I lied.

I’m partial to humans.

without us being better humans, the future of technology scares me...

and without us bringing humanity into business, we’ll create a miserable future...

join the human revolution (for a better future)


Tara ‘missrogue’, quebec, canada514-679-2951

About those fabulous images:from unless indicated.

Order Whuffietoday!


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