Solit 2012, TDD и отдельные аспекты тестирования в Java,...


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Generation_P Consulting LtdGeneration_P Consulting LtdSoftware Solutions for the Travel IndustrySoftware Solutions for the Travel Industry

TDDTDDMake your life betterMake your life better

Antanina ShafranskayaAntanina

TDD: way to better life

Test before code!

TDD principals: think first

trivial first

test <=> what ; implementation <=> how

different levels of tests

red – green – refactor

red: behavior (responsibility oriented design)

green: coding

refactor: design, refactor

ping – pong

who has keyboard is a King!

through-test driving

TDD: Pair programming

TDD: Testing best practices

TDD: Test naming

TDD: Test naming

TDD: Exception processing

TDD: given-when-then

TDD: multiple asserts

TDD: Whole test system

unit testsintegration

acceptanceauto gui


TDD: Unit tests

One test – one behavior

Independent: isolated class



TDD: Integration and Acceptance Tests

integration: component communication with some isolation

acceptance: full system test, no isolation or mocks

client requirements

TDD: Mocks

fake – some little implementation

stub – return some predefined result

mock – object with programmed expectation

spy – stub with flow verification

TDD: Mockito

Easy to:

stub methods verify behavior

verify sequence of calls


mock final classes, methods

mock static

TDD: Mockito

@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) annotation at the class-level of the test case

@Mock annotation at mocking objects init tested class in method annotated with @Before

when(mock.methodCall()).thenReturn(someResult); doThrow(exception).when(object).voidMethodCall();

verify(mock, times).methodCall() verifyZeroInteractions(mocks) inOrder(mock)

TDD: Mockito

TDD: PowerMock

Easy way to mock: static methods

final methods or classes

private methods

construction of new objects

partial mocking

TDD: PowerMock

@RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) annotation at the class-level of the test case.

@PrepareForTest(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) annotation at the class-level of the test case.

PowerMock.mockStatic(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) to mock all methods of this class.

PowerMock.mockStaticPartial(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class, "methodName", ArgumentClass.class);

PowerMock.replay(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) to change the class to replay mode.

PowerMock.verify(ClassThatContainsStaticMethod.class) to change the class to verify mode.


What to read?

Robert C. Martin “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship”

Joshua Kerievsky “Refactoring to Patterns” Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce “Growing Object-

Oriented Software, Guided by Tests”


Thank you and good luck!Thank you and good luck!

