Solar system 29-05-10




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The Solar-system


These are the Planets of the Solar-system

The Sun is a fire ball

Mercury is covered with craters .Mercury’s biggest craters are4 billion years old

Venus is the hottest planet in theSolar-system. It has no moon

Earth is the only planet with water.It has 1 moon

This is the Moon. It spins around theEarth. It takes 28 days to spin around

the Earth. Neil Armstrong (1969)

Left to right: Armstrong, Collins, Aldrin

The biggest volcano in the Solar-systemis on Mars. Mars is made of red dust

Jupiter is made up of gases. It is thebiggest planet. 1day on Jupiter is longer than 1 year

on earth

Saturn's rings are made of rock and ice

Uranus is the only planet to spin round on its side

Neptune has 11 moons and 4 rings

Thank you

•The end
