Software development with qt


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13 April, 2010

Andreas JaklSenior Technical ConsultantForum Nokia

Software Development with Qt

13.04.2010 2© 2010 Nokia

Qt in a NutshellQt is a class library for platform independent development of graphical user interfaces based on C++.

The framework also includes XML, databases, multithreading,network, internationalization, 3D, WebKit, multimedia, etc.

© 2010 Nokia

Short History of QtFocus on mobile platforms (Symbian, Maemo, MeeGo), dedicated mobility APIs

Nokia purchases Trolltech, name changes to Qt Development Frameworks APIs

Qt 4.0 – compatibility break, leads to new KDE 4 desktop

Qtopia – platform for mobile phones & PDAs

First public release through newsgroups (Qt 0.90)

• Dual licensing: commercial & free for open source

Decided to go into business

• “Q” looked beautiful in Emacs font. “t” for toolkit

• Company : Quasar Technologies (later: Trolltech)

Development started

• Cross platform GUI toolkit was needed

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Eirik Chambe-Eng Nord


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Some Well-Known Customers

… and many, many more!

© 2010 Nokia

Qt Licensing• LGPL license

• Qt is completely free!

– Unlike GPL, the LGPL:

• Allows using Qt for free in commercial, closed source apps

– Complete development source code of Qt available

• Commercial version

– Code changes to Qt source code don’t have to be shared

– Included support options

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Platforms WindowsMac OSLinux / X11Embedded LinuxWindows CEMaemo / MeeGoSymbian (S60)





Maintained byQt open source community.

Not officially supported by Qt Development Frameworks.

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Mobile Development

Java ME

© 2010 Nokia

Symbian and Qt• Qt for Symbian:

– Compatible to S60 3rd. Edition, FP1+ (Nokia N95, E71)

– Install SDK for your device, or lowest denominator for devices you want

to support with your product

• Info about system version of Nokia S60 devices:

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Series 601st Ed.

Series 602nd Ed.

(+ 3 FPs)

S603rd Ed.

S603rd Ed.


S603rd Ed.


S605th Ed.

= Symbian^1

Symbian^2 Symbian^3 Symbian^4

Qt Compatibility

© 2010 Nokia

Symbian and Qt• Symbian^3 – Ready for Qt

– Qt Pre-installed on devices

– Ensures forward- and backward


© 2010 Nokia

Symbian and Qt• Symbian^4: replaces S60 with Qt-based UI

• Components:

– Uiemo (UI Extensions for Mobile, Orbit):

extension library for Qt, 50+ UI elements

tailored for mobile

– Direct UI: new app framework based on Uiemo

• Availability:

– End of 2010

Symbian^4 Concept Video


© 2010 Nokia

Maemo / MeeGo and Qt• Maemo 5

– GTK+ based UI

– Qt pre-installed

– Final Qt support: H1 2010 (4.6.2)

• MeeGo 1.0 N (formerly: Maemo 6)

– Qt replaces GTK+

– Multi-touch, gestures support

– GTK and Clutter will stay in MeeGo


© 2010 Nokia

MeeGo and Qt• Moblin (Intel) and Maemo (Nokia) merge to

– New Linux distribution (Linux Foundation)

– MeeGo UI toolkit based on Qt

– GTK and Clutter included for application compatibility


© 2010 Nokia

Qt Architecture• Qt uses native styles to draw UI

– UI elements have original

look & feel

– Can be adapted by the developer

• Built on low level APIs of platform

– No runtime!

• Cross-platform

– Single source for multiple platforms

– Only requires recompilation


© 2010 Nokia

Getting StartedInstall Qt SDK from

Start Qt Creator UI


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Hello World Project

#include <QApplication>

#include <QPushButton>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


QApplication app(argc, argv);

QPushButton helloButton("Hello World");

helloButton.resize(150, 50);;

return app.exec();



© 2010 Nokia

Qt and C++• Qt goes beyond C++

– Seamless object communication

(signals & slots)

– Meta object system, featuring

object properties and object trees

– Contextual string translation for internationalization

• … but still works with standard C++ compilers

on all platforms!

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© 2010 Nokia

Interactivity: Quit Hello World• Add functionality to exit the Hello World example:

– Button emits clicked() signal

– Connected to QApplication::quit()

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QObject::connect(&helloButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),

&app, SLOT(quit()));

© 2010 Nokia

Signals & Slots• Signal

– Emitted when a particular event occurs (e.g., clicked())

– Qt widgets: predefined signals

– Also create your own signals

• Slot

– Function called in response to a signal

– Qt widgets: predefined slots (e.g., quit())

– Also create your own slots

• Connection signals slots established by developer,

handled by Qt framework

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© 2010 Nokia

Deploy• Run your Qt application on all platforms!

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Windows 7 Symbian^1(S60 5th Edition)

Maemo 5

The Future of Qt

© 2010 Nokia

Qt Quick (Qt User Interface Creation Kit)• Create UIs as a designer

– Without C++ knowledge

– Using visual tools

– Module: Declarative UI

– Based on QML language

(extension to JavaScript)

– Supported in Qt 4.7


© 2010 Nokia

QML• Describe UI by tree structure of property bindings

– Properties dynamically evaluated

– Communication through

signals & slots

– Bindings to C++ code possible

– Animate properties using states

and transitions


Rectangle {width: 200height: 200color: "white"Image {

source: "pics/logo.png"anchors.centerIn: parent


© 2010 Nokia

UI Framework (Uiemo)• Scene graph approach to the UI

• Optimized for

– Graphics effects, 3D HW acceleration

– Gestures, multi-touch, kinetics

• Adventurous?

– It’s open source!

– Symbian:


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Hybrid ApplicationsHTML App

Qt Web Technology


13.04.2010 27© 2010 Nokia

Advantages of Hybrid ApplicationsQt


Full device access

Powerful libraries


HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Rapid development

Broad reach

Embed Qt UI elements into HTML pageAccess Qt objects from JavaScript

Trigger JavaScript from QtShared storage

© 2010 Nokia

Qt Mobility• Qt: Desktop → Mobile

• Requires new APIs for

– Sensors

– Location

– Messaging

– etc.

• Qt Mobility: new cross-platform APIs for mobile use cases

– Back-end implementation on all platforms where it makes sense

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© 2010 Nokia

Qt 4.7• Qt 4.7 Tech Preview: Available now!

– Includes Qt Quick

– Integrates first parts of Qt Mobility

– Focus on performance



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Qt BooksC++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (2nd edition)Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield. Prentice Hall.Official book for Qt development. Good for looking things up or for enhancing your knowledge, average for learning from scratch.Status: Qt 4.3, 2008

Foundations of Qt DevelopmentJohan Thelin. Apress.More in-depth and technically oriented explanation of Qt. Most other books are rather similar to the official documentation that you get for free with the SDK – this is different, and is therefore a good companion.Status: 2007

13.04.2010 32© 2010 Nokia

Even More InformationQt for SymbianEditors: Frank H. P. Fitzek, Tommi Mikkonen, Tony Torp. Wiley.For Qt developers wanting to get started with development on the mobile Symbian platform, or the other way round.Status: Qt 4.6, April 2010

Online:,, www.qtcentre.orgLots of documentation and examples installed with SDK

Thank You.
