Software Development: game with purpose



This is a second proposal for Agile2014 intended for audiences interested in learning how to apply Agile in terms of "process"; it does so by translating them to typical boardgame mechanics. This presentation is INCOMPLETE, but will be fleshed out. It should be enough for reviewers to know what the general feel of the session would be (including a couple of exercises). This is still several iterations away from being complete.

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  • 1.Software Development Game with Purpose

2. Get to know each other Break into teams of 4 In 2 min, each share: Your Superhero Name Your Actual Hometown Your Current Super Power What You Hope to Learn (the new superpower you hope to take away) Take another 1 min to consolidate these to report out: ID your superhero teams name (e.g. Fantastic Four, Justice League) 3. Tell us what you learned 1 person from each team tell us: Your team name Each superheros name & superpower Which one of your superheroes comes from the farthest reaches of the planet But MOST IMPORTANTLY, what each wants to learn 4. Shhhhh.SoftwareDevelopment is aGame Dont tell anyone OK? 5. We could have FUNwhile we build something useful 6. Bah! 7. We come in aPalette of Backgrounds, Skills, Talents, & Interests(Think about what you just learned about the diversity of everyone here.) 8. Game Exercise Time 9. Instructions Separate into 3 teams Elect a leader Leader gets a goal & shares w/team (visual sharing only) 1st team to arrange all chairs to meet goal w/in 2 min wins!NO TALKING! 10. Debrief 11. Development is like explorationThe games decisions are made on imperfect information 12. Developing aProduct Release is like anRPGAdventure Goal to accomplish (Biz Value to realize) Party self-organizes Gain tools & experience 13. Product Development is like an RPGCampaign Priorities from distant netherworlds Based on the needs of the Imperium (Business) Experience carries from one release to the next But each release is continued learning 14. ItsExercise Time again GameI like traffic lights 15. Understanding Self-Organization (Part 1) Gather into 3 teams; take 1 minute to determine a traffic director Traffic director needs to know how to call out to each of you; name, number, letter, et cetera Ill set up some barriers youll need to navigate Traffic Director comes to one side; team members set up at start of lanes - object is to get each person to lanes end (Ill time you from start to all finish.) Traffic director is to tell you to stop by name (or all), then which lane to move to and then when to start again Run up against a chair? Make a crash sound! When I announce go, start walkingTeam 1 is up first! 16. Understanding Self-Organization (Part 2) Well use the same barriers that youll need to navigate Traffic Director comes to one side; team members set up at start of lanes - object is still to get each person to each lanes end (Ill time you from start to all finish) Each individual can decide when to stop (no crashes) Traffic director is to tell you which lane to move to, you may start up again as soon you are in your new lane When I announce go, start walkingTeam 2 is up! 17. Understanding Self-Organization (Part 3) Well use the same barriers youll need to navigate; Ill put some that say ORG on them Traffic Director comes to one side; team members set up at start of lanes - object is still to get each person to each lanes end (Ill time you from start to all finish) Each individual can decide when to stop AND can step around any barrier that does not have ORG on it and continue; if you hit an ORG one, just stop and wait for its removal Traffic director removes any that say ORG You may state you have an ORG barrier in your lane When I announce go, start walkingTeam 3 is up! 18. Debrief 19. Prioritizing theBacklog is similar toDeck-Buildingthrough 20. Negotiations 21. The Agile game is defined in a set of release sessions Within the release session, perform the following: Develop a release plan Take in (or develop) the epics Deck-build (prioritize) the epics Size the epicsDetermine the # of iteration phases the team will take & how many daily turns they will haveFor each iterationphase Prioritize & split the epics Estimate the stories & take in stories based on what you think you can accomplish Take your daily team turns 22. Each daily turn starts with a cooperative, simultaneous action selection, worker placement event. Within the dailyturn:Conduct the selection by Reviewing what you did yesterday Determining where to place your efforts today Highlighting any impedimentsExpend action points working on the stories chosen Handle events as they arise Save the World a Day at a Time 23. Once all daily turns have been taken for the IterationPhase, do the following: Conduct a review of the potentially shippable software Score the teams contribution (measure the story points added & completed) Review what the team can do to play the game better (retrospect)When product owner team member states to do so, usually at the end of theRelease Session, ship the product to production. 24. Lets look atAgile: the Game A Quick Tutorial 25. Story-telling is a key part of development activities The product owner is the bard The developers are the wizards The stories become structured so that they read as spells Scoring is based on how many stories are created that the bard can see envisioned 26. How do we mitigate therisky parts? 27. Establishing aContinuousIntegration pipeline is like having youreconomic engine up & running 28. and building it out islikeadvancing your tech tree 29. So how doesWaterfallcompare? 30. Its always sold as a happy projectwith a happy team 31. Look! Heres the happy (a.k.a. critical)pathplanned in one direction 32. What a great product Just stick to the path! 33. And look, there are some wondrous shortcuts we can take early on 34. What do you mean I can get stuck here? And here?And here also? 35. Thats not the way Waterfall was promised to work!Youre right! Its more like 36. It getsworse 37. Acan take you from to 38. Thats likeYou Failed Your Tests Looks like a design flaw Are you sure you got that requirement right? 39. AndManagementsreaction? 40. Introducing, Integrating, & Customizing 41. Prioritize withAuctions or 42. or 43. Purchasing 44. We could take a flow-based approach likeKanban 45. Ding!Corner onAgility! 46. Games Referenced In This Deck Chess Sentinels of the Multiverse Villa Paletti (Generic Meeples used in many Euros) Pandemic Chairs Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas Dungeons & Dragons Traveller Mille Bornes Eminent Domain Genoa El Grande Isle of Dr Necreaux Puerto Rico Once Upon a Time (Generic d6) Container Supernova Alien Frontiers Risk Niagara Candyland Willy Wonka & Panama Canal photosMonopoly Mouse Trap It Came from the Pit Ca$h N Gun$ Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar Masterpiece Bazaar Factory Fun PitMost photos in this deck are from BoardGameGeek.
