Social Media Profile of Int'l Organisations



A presentation on the results of a survey on the social media profile of international organisations

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Social Media Profile

Social Media Profile

of International Organizationsof International Organizations

Survey HighlightsSurvey Highlights

Social media is a collection of

collaborative tools and applications that improve and

get better the more people use them.

Social media is a collection of

collaborative tools and applications that improve and

get better the more people use them.

Should We Do Social Media?

circa 2008-09

Should We Do Social Media?

circa 2008-09

How Do We Do Social Media?


Some Background Information

Some Background Information

About the SurveyAbout the Survey Two months

25 Nov 2009 - 25 Jan 2010

60 respondents

Representing 38 international organizations


Define social media strategy for the IAEA


Academic dissertation for an MSc degree


Long-running personal interest in social media

About the SurveyAbout the Survey

Some Key FindingsSome Key Findings





Missing Out On Something

Over 50 million tweets each day

Over 400 million Facebook users

Social media use grew by 82% in 2010

Four Asian countries are among top 5 most active social media users

Australia is social networking capital of the world

Some Social Media Stats

Some Social Media Stats

Item Percent %

We are still in the process of evaluating results. 57.6

We are satisfied and plan to expand social media exposure some more. 23.7

We are satisfied and will hold activities at the present level. 3.4

We have no clear statement on the matter. 15.3

Statement best describing organisations’ social media exposure.

Some ExamplesSome Examples

Some Other InsightsSome Other Insights

Some Considerations

Some Considerations

Is your organisation ready for social


Is your organisation ready for social


Some More for the Road

Some More for the Road

It’s not about the tools.

It’s not about the tools.

It’s about a change of Mindset.

It’s about a change of Mindset.

Thank You!Thank You!

Rodolfo QuevencoWeb Editor

International Atomic Energy Agency

Rodolfo QuevencoWeb Editor

International Atomic Energy Agency