Social media: outsource them or try them in-house?


DESCRIPTION, one of the hottest Greek start-ups in eCommerce, has a strong presence in Social Media. The team ‘breathes’ Social Media from day 1. They run their social media themselves, believing that a brand should talk to and listen their audience directly and not through intermediates, such as an agency. They claim that, this has helped them remarkably in receiving direct feedback from the community and adjusting their strategy. Here's their presentation given on the Social Media Conference in Athens, on March 2011.

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Panayotis, CEO & co-founder

digs & digs into Social MediaWhat have we found?


Outsource or in-house?

Let’s see some examples…

Direct & personalized from the start

…we joke about our human moments

…engage audience to our office life

Get product suggestions…

Our most expensive promo… ;-)

Customer Support

and when it’s getting tough…

Share lookbook in Scribd…

…and the backstage photos @ Flickr

Attract customers from competition

social PR can be fun & effective…

Monitoring & Strategy

Engagement, ROI, etc.

…who are buldoza’s influencers?

…and how can we approach them?

BTW ‘aino’ will capture more…

Sentiment for

Engagement & Sentiment

Panayotis, CEO & co-founder

digs & digs into Social Media…and we keep digging!
