SMaRT Technology - IT Service Performance Evaluation



IT Service Performance Evaluation Smart Technology Services has designed a brief test to help you measure the performance and value you are getting from your IT resources and/or service provider. The answers are weighted for best practices & best value, and carry different scores; so please be thoughtful of your answers and take care calculating the score for the best results. Contact SMaRT Technology at 312-489-8178 or Toll Free: 877-902-7148 Chicagoland's #1 Choice For Outsourced Business IT Services

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IT Services Performance and

Value Evaluation

Smart Technology Services has designed a brief test to help you measure the performance and value you are getting from your IT resources and/or service provider.

The answers are weighted for best practices & best value, and carry different scores; so please be thoughtful of your answers and take care calculating the score for the best results.


How responsive are your IT resources? When you call, email or text them, what is the average response time?

a) 0-2 hours (10 points)b) 2-4 hours (5 points)c) 4-8 hours (-5 points)d) 8 hours – 1 day (-10 points)e) 1 day or more (-20 points)

Question #1

Question #2

How long does it take your computer workstation to start up in the morning?

a) 0-5 minutes (10 points)b) 5-10 minutes (5 points)c) 10+ minutes (-5 points)d) I don’t turn it off, takes too long to start up. (-10 points)

Question #3

Are your computers, servers, network and internet access monitored 24X7?

a) Yes (5 points)b) No (0 points)c) I don’t know (-5 points)

Question #4

How often are Windows Updates performed?

a) Daily (5 points)b) Weekly (5 points)c) Monthly (0 points)d) Infrequent/Don’t know (-5 points)

Question #5

How often are Application Updates (Adobe, Antivirus, other programs) performed?

a) Daily (5 points)b) Weekly (5 points)c) Monthly (0 points)d) Infrequent/Don’t know (-5 points)

Question #6

Are your backups regularly tested?

a) Yes (10 points)b) No (-10 points)c) Don’t have/Don’t know (-15 points)

Question #7

Do you receive a report on what your IT person does for you regularly?

a) Yes (5 points)b) No (0 points)

Question #8

Are your IT professionals friendly and helpful?

a) Yes (5 points)b) No (-5 points)

Question #9

Do you have a disaster recovery plan?

a) Yes (10 points)b) No (0 points)c) Don’t know (-5 points)


You have an excellent IT staff and/or provider. They are keeping you fully informed of your environment, they are friendly and courteous, respectful of your time& investment, and advising you on all the best practices for your business.

This is the standard that SMaRT Technology Services strives for.



This test is a great opportunity for you to re-build your relationship with your IT Resources. Use this test as a guide and sit down with your provider and discuss how they can improve the services being delivered.

You deserve to get your money’s worth AND have a good relationship with your provider(s).


This score might not be too surprising to you. The service might be just getting by, or you are getting frequent problems that languish.

You might even have more workarounds than solutions in your environment.

You should take this up with your provider immediately and get these issues resolved before a preventable problem negatively impacts your business.

In case your score is 0 or less, then you might need to consult SMaRT Technology Services for more information on IT Managed Services.

So, call us at 877-902-7148 or visit us at http://www.smartts.comto get professional assistance for your critical IT needs.
