Smalltalk India meetup - 15 Oct 2011



Notes used as a basis for introducing Smalltalk using Pharo. This was used for Smalltalk India Meetup on 15th Oct.

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  • 1. A taste of Smalltalk* Pradip P Caulagi [email_address]
    • * Thanks Ted, for that neat title.

2. Know your ancestors Smalltalk 71, 72, 76, 80 3. Image based 4. Harold Abelson

  • Questions for a programming language
  • What are the primitive elements?

5. What are the means of combination? 6. What are the means of abstraction? 7. Smalltalk rules

  • Everything in Smalltalk is an object, and all work is done by sending messages to objects.

8. Smalltalk has three kinds of messages: unary, binary, and keyword. 9. Every message returns an object and messages can thus be combined. 10. Messages are executed from left to right; parenthesized expressions first, unary messages next, binary next, keyword last. 11. A sequence of messages to the same receiver can be cascaded.


12. Alan Knight Beginning Smalltalk programmers often have trouble because they think they need to understand all the details of how a thing works before they can use it. This means it takes quite a while before they can master Transcript show: Hello World. One of the great leaps in OO is to be able to answer the question How does this work? with I dont care. 13. Starting point


14. 15.