Site visit 2


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Site VisitENBE Project one

Trip to Riverstone Eco Resort

• Date: 15 April 2013 – 16 April 2013

• ENBE Project One

• Our first ENBE project is a group project to somewhere close to nature as researcher and explore the built environment, nature, habitat, etc.

• We are to present our findings in a video documentary, infographic and display it in an exhibition.

Group Members

• Group Name: Peacock

• Leader: Edy Wijaya

• Group Members:

1. Tsang Hao Ren (Me)

2. Benny Tan

3. Edwin Ho

4. Chew Jun Ming

We go to Riverstone Eco Resort early in the morning by bus.

This is what most of us do in bus…

Before we know, we reached our destination and we went on to put our luggage into our rooms.

This is what our room looks like

After a short briefing, we went to explore and find our site.

We could see a city

We came across a very interesting spot and made it into our site.

Given different task, we started our investigation on our specific animals and plants.

I was given Mimosa Pudica and Guppy fish.

Guppy fish are living under the root of the tree.

In between work, we also had fun.

This is how our “meeting” looks like. =)

We continued our work after having fun.

There was also one activity that we had to make our own logo

After seeing other group making such dramatic logos, we also change our logo from left to right.

After taking photo with the workers there, we head home.

The Group that survives in nature for 2Days 1Night

The End
