Singleton week 4 project


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MemorandumTo: Dr.Leonard

From: StephanieSingleton

Date: June29,2011

Subject: GetThereUserCase





Device Uses GetThereprovidesuserwithamoreeffectivewaytorunerrands.Usersinformtheapplicationofthedifferenttaskstheyneedtoperformwiththeoptionofincludingprioritizessuchastimeandimportancetocustomizetheirroute.GetTherethenprovidesamapofalltheirtaskandthebestroutetotaketoaccomplisheach.Withthisapplication,userscanfindthemostefficientwaytoreachtheirdestinationwhilefactoringintheirothertask.GetTherewilleliminatewastedtimeandgas.Userscanorganizetheirerrands,to-dolist,tasksanddestinations.Thisapplicationwillallowuserstofocusonotherthingswhilelettingtheirdevicedirectthemtothenextlocation.GetThereislikehavingavirtualassistantintheirpocket.

Target Audience GetTherewillbeforuserswhoarebusyoccasionallyoreveryday.Usersthatbenefitfrommakinglist,usingnavigation,andorganizingtheirlifewillbenefitfromGetThere.Itisanapplicationthatcanbeusedfortheuser’sworkandpersonallife.Itisfortheforgetfuluser,theuserthatwantstoimprovetheirefficiency,andtheuserthatsimplylovestheeaseapplicationsprovide.

Device ClassThedeviceclassyou’retargetingandOSSincethisisanavigationbasedapplication,onlynavigationreadydeviceswouldbeabletofacilitatethisapplication.ThisapplicationwillbecreatedfortheAndroidMarketplaceandthenconsideredfortheAppStore.InitiallythisapplicationwillbecreatedfortheAndroidMarketplaceandthenfortheAppleAppStore.ThemockupsforthisapplicationarecreatefortheAndroidOS.

Screen sizeAscreensizeof480x800wasusedasthetemplateforthedesign,themostpopularphonedimensionsfortheAndroidamongusers.ThisiscurrentlythemostcommonscreensizeusedintheAndroidMarketplace(,normal,large,andextra-largescreen.Themarkupwascreatedwiththedimensionsofthelargesizephonebutthemarkupwillbeadaptabletoalldimensions.UserFlow

Design dilemma Thisapplicationtakespiecesfromcurrentapplicationstocreateasimple,cohesive,newapplication.GetThereborrowsfromnavigation,calendar,andto-dolistapplications.Decidingwhichpieceswouldworktogethertohelptheusercompletetaskwashard.Insomeareas,newpieceshadtobeintroducedinordertomaketheapplicationcometogetherinaneffectiveway.Lookingatwhatessentialpartstokeepandwhichtheusercoulddowithoutwasthehardestpart.Tocreateasimpleeaseofuse,theapplicationhadtoremainsimplewhilestillencompassingthenecessarycomponents.


Persona One: Alexis Parker, 24, Stanford, CA

Occupation: Full time Paralegal, Part time law stu-dent

Personality: Driven, motivated, social, organized

Lifestyle: Alexis Parker works hard to balances her career, school, and her social life. She spends 8 to 10 hours at work as a paralegal. The other half of her life she spends studying law at Stan-ford. To keep her sane, Alexis makes time for the friends she’s meet at school.

Originally from Settle, she left her home to start school in California. Alexis makes trips home on holidays to visit her family. If she is not working on school or work related business, she is out socializing, trying new recipes, or traveling. She rarely gets a free moment to herself but when she does she simply likes to relax and enjoy movies.

Technology: Alexis likes to have the newest gadgets but knows that technology changes quickly. She only purchases the gadgets that she thinks are essential to her everyday life. She is too prac-tical to spend money on the things she only wants. Instead she admires them from a distance.

She currently has a Droid. Her first smartphone was a Blackberry. She switched over because she was curious about the apps on Android. Blackberry was too business oriented and she needed a phone that satisfied all aspects of her life. She does, however, carry a Blackberry that is issued to everyone at work. She only uses it for phone calls and emails.

Application needs: With Alexis busy schedule, it can be hard to organize her life. But it’s essen-tial to Alexis to organize the various aspects of her life because without organization, she wastes time. Alexis usually runs errands in various parts of the city. She finds herself often missing destinations or driving in circles trying to complete all her task. Alexis needs an application that organizes all her task for her. She also needs to prioritize certain task over others. Alexis would also like the application to keep up with her to-do list and notify her when she’s approaching a destination where she can accomplish her task. Often times she creates a to-do list without be-ing able to finish all the task. This function would allow her to be more efficient.

Persona One’s Get There Scenario:

Figure 1. Alexis needs help running errands after work

Figure 2. Alexis decides to use Get There to route her destinations

Figure 3. Alexis uses Get There to get all her errands done quickly and easily

Persona Two: Bradley Coogan, 37, Atlanta, GA

Occupation: Full time Quality Systems manager

Personality: Fast learner, intelligent, adaptive, dominant

Lifestyle: On a regular day Bradley Coogan works 10 hours. Some days are longer. He is in his late 30’s and is one of the only young professionals in his position. In college, Bradley worked to climb up the ladder of his company. He never rest in excelling in his career.

When he’s not at work, he enjoys bowling with his friends and wife. He is a newly wed that loves to travel with his wife. Him and his wife are very family oriented though they haven’t started a family of their own yet. They split the holidays between both families.

Technology: Bradley stays on top of the latest technological advances. He loves reading Engad-get and Android Central. He also reads reviews on the latest phones with Android OS as well as keeping up with the competition. Bradley buys all the newest gadgets whether he needs them or not.

He currently owns an HTC Thunderbolt. The world of smartphones is not a new one for him. Bradley’s first smartphone was a WIndow’s phone that he brought while in college. Later he switched over to Android because of the various apps and the faster processor. Bradley’s motto is the faster the better.

Application needs: Bradley needs an application that can keep up with all the errands he runs on a weekly bases. While he job doesn’t require him to be on the road often, there are times when he has to meet with clients, and supervisors off campus. He would like an application that can get him to his meetings while also alerting him of nearby restaurants and stores. Traditional navigation allows him to complete this task but he would like to populate several entries at one time. The traditional navigation does not allow him to find all the destinations he needs at once.

Persona Two’s Get There Scenario:

Bradley has a meeting with customers across town. Before the meeting, he has a dentist ap-pointment. He uses Get There to navigate to his dentist appointment while setting up his next location across town with location and time. Once he exits the dentist, he can load Get There again to bring up his next destination. While driving towards his meeting, he realized he has a little time and calls a friend that works in the area. Bradley gets the location of his friend’s job, pulls up Get There and presses next destination. The application allows his to interrupt his cur-rent route with the new directions. While visiting with his friend, a notification/alert appears that reminds him that he needs to leave for his meeting. Get There finds his current location and calculates how far he is from his next destination. Unlike other notification/alerts, Bradley doesn’t have to calculate the time he needs to get to his destination because Get There does it for him. After his meeting, Bradley then navigates his way home while including a few stops to the local electronic store and the grocery store.

Conclusion Get There will provide the on-the-go individual with a way to organize their life. Whether work, school, personal, or special occasions, Get There will provides users with the quickest route to their destination. It not only navigates the user but allows them to combine their calendar and to-do list into one application.


Design Table of Contents Release ten

User Flows eleven twelve

UserFlow2:Createatripwithtime/ thirteen

UserCase2:Createatripwithtime/ fourteen

Wireframes fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen

Release Notes InstallingInstallversion1.0ofGetThereattheAndroidMarketbygoingto

Changes Version 1.1Addedactionbarwithsearchfeature













Version 1.0BelowisalistoffeaturesforGetThere.

•Findsthequickrouteforupto7destinations•Helpsusersorganizetheirtasklistbasedonspecifictimeandimportance•Providesthemostefficientrouteformultipledestinations• Sendtripsorliststhroughemail• Holdspaceindestinationtoquicklyreturntotrip•Notifiesuserofupcomingappointments•AllowsusestocreateTo-dolistthatwillalertthemwhentheyareneara destinationontheirlist

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      Open Get 

There application 

Click Create List 

Click Add Task 

Type task location into Where field  

Select correct location from options

Type task performed into What field

Select Add Reminder to customize  

Click Done to save task  

User Flow 1: Create a list with customized reminder

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      Open Get 

There application 

Click Create List 

Click Add Task 

Type task location into Where field  

Select correct location from 

Type task performed into What field

Select Add Reminder to customize  

Click Done to save task  

User Flow 1: Create a list with customized reminder with Location not found error  

Location not found  Solution: redefine search

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      Open Get 

There application 

Click Create Trip 

Click Add Destination 

Type task location into Where field  

Select correct location from options

Type task performed into What field

Select AddTime/Date to customize  

Click Done to save destination 

Repeat steps until destinations are entered

Return to Add Destination screen

Click Create Trip  

Wait for Get There to calculate your trip

User Flow 2: Create a trip with time/date constraints

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Open Get There application 

Click Create Trip 

Click Add Destination 

Type task location into Where field  

Select correct location from options

Type task performed into What field

Select AddTime/Date to customize  

Click Done to save destination 

Repeat steps until destinations are entered

Return to Add Destination screen

Click Create Trip  

Wait for Get There to calculate your trip

User Case 2: Create a trip with time/date constraints Destination not saved error 

Destination does not save in trip list 

Re‐enter task If task still does not save restart task or report to Help 

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