Share Festival Networked Objects Manufacturing 031508.Key



Presentation given at Piemonte Share Festival, Torino, Italy —

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A Manifesto for Networked Objects

Julian BleeckerNear Future LaboratoryNetworked ObjectsShare FestivalMarch 15, 2008

Here Is What I Want To Share With You Today..

As More Smart, Mobile, Sensing “Things” Are Attached to the Internet, Their Presence and Participation and Agency (Ability To Create Action) Can Be Felt In Our

Online Lives

If the Social Web (the Internet of Social Beings) Greatly Impacted Our Social Lives, How Will An “Internet of

Things” Be Felt Across Our Lived Experiences?

1st Life and 2nd Life Are Being Joined Together In Intriguing Ways

Curious New Practices Of “Making Things” Are Evolving That Are Encouraging Exciting New

Networked Objects

How Do I Know This?My Own Peculiar Interpretation Of “Weak Signals”

From The Near Future..

What would the social web look like when more and more network connected "things" participate in this

web of social activity?

Would It Be “The Internet Of Things?”

What is the internet of things? Where did this notion come from and how has it been adapted and extended?

ITU Report on The Internet of Things

The ITU Report: “The Internet of Things” energizes conversations about what a world of networked things might be. The ITU report takes it from the perspective of its audience — large communications companies. So, The Internet of Things takes on a perspective of new kinds of services that have a distinctly commercial orientation, largely around using RFID to “tag” objects, such as manufacturing parts or packages being shipped, so as to obtain operational efficiencies of an economic kind.

The ITU Internet of Things Vision

The “operational efficiency” form of the Internet of Things. By knowing where objects are in the physical world new logistics have emerged that create more efficient business practices; but that efficiency can be harnessed in others ways based on the fact that blogjects can be manipulated as to their routes and locations.

The Internet of Things Means Lots of Things

The Internet of Things conceptually is also taken up in other ways. “Shaping Things” by Bruce Sterling, the Thing Link project by Ulla-Maaria Mutanen, and “A Manifesto for Networked Objects” by Julian Bleecker, amongst other projects and thought-pieces. Ultimately, what ties all these considerations are what it means when objects and things are able to be represented uniquely both in 1st life and 2nd life. Are the worlds we want (or deserve) when this kind of object / thing tagging occurs?

It’s Not About The Internet As An Instrument. It’s The Potential For Meaningful Social Interactions

The Internet of Things?

It’s not about the network

It’s About Capturing 1st Life Activity To Create

Meaningful Networked, Digital Experiences Beyond The Desktop

The Internet of Things?

It’s about physical, embodied interactions that take account of the wide range of possibilities offered by physical space

The “Blogject” Internet of Things

“A Manifesto for Networked Objects”

Blogjects are(objects that “blog”)

Expressions of relationships between 1st life (“physical”, “normal”, “human”) and 2nd life worlds (“electronic”, “online”, “digital”) can take many forms, and one cannot anticipate what will happen.

Blogjects areObjects that use digital networks (like the Internet) to disseminate content from 1st life (the physical world).

Expressions of relationships between 1st life (“physical”, “normal”, “human”) and 2nd life worlds (“electronic”, “online”, “digital”) can take many forms, and one cannot anticipate what will happen.

Blogjects areObjects that circulate meaning, incite conversations,

establish points of view on things that matter.

Expressions of relationships between 1st life (“physical”, “normal”, “human”) and 2nd life worlds (“electronic”, “online”, “digital”) can take many forms, and one cannot anticipate what will happen.

What Happens?Networked Objects Get To Become Social

When you network “things” they become social actors, only because the network (Internet) is already a social place. They will get taken up and participate with the kind of first-class agency any other sort of entity might have. They are not human social actors, but social actors nonetheless. This is not new — things with social agency — but it is new in the context of the new networked world. So..then what? What sort of world will we inhabit with networked social actors that are things?

Blogject Prehistory: Inter-species Social Interactions

There is a pre-history to inter-species social formations, such as the canary used by coal miners to give them early warning signals about dangerous conditions in the mines. Even more, if we consider animism and the role of other species in creating meanings about the world.

Weak Signals: Blogjects Participate in the Social Web

Sony AIBO blogs its daily life, allowing affinity relationships between the dogs and their owners and friends. Jurrasic era of blogjects — more to come.

Weak Signals: Blogjects Creating A Reconfigured View Of Our 1st Life World

Beatriz Da Costa, Electrical Engineering & Studio Art Professor, UC Irvine. Blogging pigeon outfitted with a small backpack that allows the birds to send data to their blog about their location and the micro-local environmental conditions where they are flying.

New Interaction Partners: Critter Cams Bridge 1st Life Critters to 2nd Life Audiences

Critter Cams are cameras attached to creatures allowing us to see from their perspective their world. This insight can lead to a different understanding about animals. Through these critter cams, they become interaction partners, as they participate with us in sharing meaning about parts of the world we normally do not consider, or understand.

Preemptive Media’s AIR (Area’s Immediate Readings)

Preemptive Media’s AIR (Area’s Immediate Readings)

Blogjects: Geography, Paths & Routes

geospatial traces: blogjects exist in the physical world

objects have a physical manifestation and occupy space, spatial characteristics include knowing where they are going

blogjects know where they’ve been

knowing where they’ve been / history — histories of individual aircraft/equipment

blogjects know where they are

“In Transit” by Amy Balkin — San Francisco cab traces. Visualizations of objects and things moving in physical space. If things can tell us where they are, we can obtain different perspectives on how physical space is occupied that can yield fresh insights, possibly with important consequences that shape decisions about how we behave in physical space.

Nuisance Luggage Re-routes Its Human

Luggage and humans are assigned to each other when they travel on airlines. The luggage and human must remain together. In one case, a human was re-routed when its luggage went on a different airplane, so that the two stayed together. Telling instance of how things can assert their agency and assert themselves by changing the paths we travel.

Blogjects: Assertive, Shaping Our Behavior, Revealing and Providing Insights Into Hidden, Invisible Data

Blogjects: Shaping Individual & Group Behavior

Tripsense is a reporting system that allows one to volunteer information about one’s driving data and obtain tabulations of this data. Can this kind of information change one’s driving behavior in positive ways?


Tripwire (Tad Hirsch) Tripwire is a site-specific installation responding to the unique relationship between the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport and downtown San Jose, CA. Custom-built sensors hidden inside coconuts are hung from trees at several public locations to monitor noise produced by overflying aircraft. Detection of excessive aircraft noise triggers automated telephone calls to the airport's complaint line on behalf of the city's residents and wildlife. Documentation of noise incidents is archived for later analysis

Turning a coconut into the sense “agent” is a clever way to make the sensor have more affinity to the surroundings and make it less cold and mechanical — more something one might more easily consider a participant in figuring out what’s going on in the world.


Closes the loop between energy consumption and conservation habits

Blogjects: They Connect 1st Life and 2nd Life Worlds

Tags Join Real World Data To Data Networks

“Touch” Techniques Like RFID Link Physical Objects To Digital Networks


Twitcher / Nokia (Matt Jones) / Tom Hume / bluetooth for friend-to-friend play, proximity interactions. When two bluetooth phones come near each other, the game introduces a fleeting experience — a bird lands on the Twitcher grassland and you must be the first to photograph it before it flies away.

Feeding Yoshi

Feeding Yoshi uses wifi access points as “touchpoints” for game mechanics, rather than merely as ways to get on the network. Turns AP’s into places that represent certain features of a game. “Seamful Design” (Chalmers, et. al., University of Glasgow)

Creative Game Semantics Subtly Join 1st Life & 2nd Life

Resetti emerges from beneath “Animal Crossing”, a Nintendo DS game, that creates an ambient link between 1st life and 2nd life by matching time — the game clock is identical to the current time of day, so the game environment expresses this. Resetti — a mole — will surface when you have shut down the game without safely saving the game state. He berates you terribly, so that you will be sure never again to shut the game down without saving. It is interesting how the game integrates a 1st life action (shutdown) into the narrative frame of the game, rather than showing a didactic warning screen that disrupts the game experience unnecessarily.

Blind Camera — Handmade Blogject

Blind Camera (Sascha Pohflepp) wrangles 2nd life media sharing in an almost literal, 1st life instantiation, revealing a unique take on a the very fun social practice of sharing photographs by bridging a 1st life thing (camera) and 2nd life protocols (rss feeds of digital images and their meta data).

“Sketching” Your Own Blogjects

...A Different Kind of Manufacturing Process

Making our own stuff — what does it mean, how do you do it?There is a sense that the ability to make our own electronic/digital/computational “stuff” is not just fun, but has some larger purpose that’s related to impulses of DIY sensibilities. Making your own devices has a implicit cultural and political message. That is, we can be “productive consumers” as Ruth described yesterday. We can produce the things we need or enjoy or desire based on our own principles, ethics, senses of fun and so forth. This I think is very good, and very important.

Making Physical Things That Join 1st Life & 2nd Life

New Practices: Materializing Your Ideas For Networked Objects

We can create impacts and implications by creating our own stuff — the tools are available and easily accessible, as is the knowledge and the conversations about who is doing what, and how they are doing it.

“Weak Signals” From The Near Future

Peter Lunenfeldʼs WYMIWYM notion

DIY Hardware TodayFeels Like Web Software Did 10 Years Ago

Soon It Will Be Routine, Like Setting Up Your Own Blog

Peter Lunenfeldʼs WYMIWYM notion

What Does It Look Like Now?

“Productive Consumers” Making Our Own Objects

I could be up here 10 years ago, explaining what HTML is, or what it is to set up your own website.

Sketching — Materializing Ideas

Model Idea In CAD

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

Small Scale Outsourced ProductionChina, <$90/1000 sq. cm. of circuit boards, 7 days

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

Receive Manufactured Raw Materials

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

Receive Manufactured Raw Materials

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

Backyard Assembly

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

Test and Reliability

Model Idea In CAD

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

Press “Print”

Final Assembly

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

A Toolchain For Materializing Ideas

Final Final

Being done, and refining is a rewarding part of the process of making your own devices.

Thank You.
