Session 3: Nicholas Standage (PAU) - Managing and measuring your social media presence



Third session of the Web2LLP online training course on web strategies and maximising the social media presence of Lifelong Learning Projects. Topic: Managing and measuring your social media presence Author: Nicholas Standage (PAU Education) Website:

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This project was financed with the support of the European Commission. This publication is the sole responsibility of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Nicholas Standage P.A.U Education

Managing and measuring your social media presence

Today´s session

Managing multiple channels

What does it mean? Who should do this? How?

Measuring the impact of the channel to your project

Why measure? What to measure? How?

Measuring your presence on the channel

How does your audience perceive your presence?

Evaluating your social media strategy

Are you getting the most out of it?

Additional Tools

Any Recomendations?

Managing multiple channels

What does it mean to manage multiple channels?

Different channel capabilities • Mass messaging • Personalized

communication • Mentions, Hashtags…

Different audiences

Different ways of communicating to them • Content • Style • Frequency

Different objectives • Awareness raising

• Engagement /







Managing multiple channels

What to ask for/expect of a managing tool?

Managing all/ most networks from the same dashboard and programming posts publication.

Monitoring hashtags, keywords and/or lists of users in the same page.

Counting with a Twitter Archive.

Handy RSS feed.

Automatically generated insights easing the measurement of your strategy’s performance.

Being able to compare with others’.

Getting a holistic overview of projects and dedicated teams.

Managing multiple networks simultaneously

Source: Hootsuite


See your tweets being

retweeted live Multiple networks

Easing Management & Monitoring

Scheduling content publishing is a great option for:

1. That content that you wish / need to republish certain times (announcements, registration promotion, newsletter launch, reminders, etc.)

2. Time management: Once you have decided the content that you , all you need is to prepareit to be posted.

Image above: Hootsuite


Measuring and evaluating

“Let your performance do the thinking” Charlotte Bronte

Getting the most out of your efforts (ROI)

Benchmarking with your competitors

Reporting to your client / Manager

Social Media is a rapidly changing


Why measure?

Why measure?

You can validate your content


You are in control and can change the action plan

You can enhance your channels

Example: 20.000 likes on Facebook, but only 30 likes per post

Example: You learn that your Youtube videos are watched from mobile devices mostly

Example: to launch an Ads campaign or a promotion on Facebook seeking growth

What to measure?

Number of visits on your site Number of registered users Number of contributions on your site by its members Number of participations in your contest Number of registered attendees at your upcoming event Most visited item on your site Press clippings

Social Media Channel Performance

- Defined Indicators

Measuring your social media performance

Page Likes Post reach Engagement ( Comments, shares…)

Are you reaching the right people?

Are you posting when your fans are online?

What kind of content do your fans react to?

Measuring social media performance

Followers – Growth Retweets Mentions Mentions by influencers Measuring the performance of your hashtag



Measuring social media performance

Followers Reach Engagement How do you compare with similar pages?

Some offer the possibility to customize your reports

From basic demographics to very detailed indicators

Easing Measurement

Source: Sprout Social Source: Hootsuite Report Builder

Easing Measurement

Schedule your monthly reporting!

Source: Hootsuite

Define the indicators that interest you Derive an executive summary about it

Easing Measurement

• Monthly, weekly… Reports are set up accordingly to your needs.


• ‘Likes’ and ‘Followers’ demographics; interest towards keywords; influencers mentions, etc. Defined indicators

• Although they are not connected to Ads yet, some dashboards are connected to Google Analytics and / or Facebook Insights

Integration with other

measurement tools

Embeded tool: basic metrics

Facebook Conversion:

‘Likes’ (old ‘fans’)

a) Reach (average per post, per week, etc.)

b) People Talking about this

(number of engaged users)

Twitter Conversion:


Interaction: RT (retweet) and


LinkedIn Conversion:


Interaction: page views, engaged


The impact of Social Media on your site

Mostly to measure traffic and networks push to your site.

Check the ‘Referrals’ area.Bounce rates are most significant indicator.

‘Add This’, ‘Share this’ and social buttons (‘Like, +1, etc.) plugins can provide you activity reports.

Social sharing and mentions has become essential in terms of SEM, check the reports to see if your content is interesting to your readers.

How can you see it?

Achieving your projects objectives

More Followers and Fans = Broader Reach of your Content Broader Reach of your Content = More Visits to your Website More Visits to your Website = More Visibility to your Content and Initiatives (events, contests, publications…)

More Visibility = Happier Client Conclusion: …Succesful projects are accompanied by well defined and closely monitored social media strategies…

Tools to combine: TweetReach

Reach: estimates how many people could have seen

your tweet.

Influencers: identifies top contributors

Recommended: to measure live-tweeting impact and influencers


Tools to combine: SocialBro

‘Best Time to Tweet’ Reports

It eases the lists setting up and

follow/unfollow process

Great analytics to target and to

identify influencers

Recommended: measure your performance evolvement

and influencers

Dashboards generally

include this info about


Both measure

social influence

Tools to combine: Klout or PeerIndex

Tools to combine: Klout or PeerIndex

If you are using Twitter only

If you are measuring paid campaigns on Facebook

If you need visualizations and practical advice related to your data

Managing, Monitoring, Measuring

Thank you for your attention!
