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Unmatched Security for the Digital Ecosystem

Data breaches are the increasing threat

Identity Theft Resource Center2014 Breach List: Breaches: 480 Exposed: 17,508,452Report Date: 8/19/2014Source:

“Is the data worth protecting? Then how can it be done?”

Secure Channels Patented Encryption will just do that.

Secure Channels patented encryption works even if a private cloud is hacked. The only thing a hacker can see is useless bits and bytes without a number of details:- the entire set of encryption keys used- the relevant pattern keys- the encryption scripts- relevant source code algorithms.All this is seamlessly used to encrypt the data and without it the hacker is lost.

Secure Channels IncTECHNOLOGY


Pattern Key Multi Segment, Multi Standard

• The flexibility to use 3rd party libraries means the process is extensible to any future development in encryption patterns.

• Can be deployed to private datacenter’s or public clouds such as Amazon’s AWS.

• Is applicable to secure transmission and secure storage of data including mobile devices.

• Solves the inherent difficulties with encryption of single key use or protocol to encrypt data by breaking a file into segments and encrypting each segment individually.

• The protocols/passwords used are based on a pattern key and can be as simple or as complex as necessary. This pattern is user-derived and thus can be as unique as the user wants.

• Patented technology that can also use available FIPS certified 3rd party encryption libraries in a new and innovative way to produce “unbreakable” communications and data files. The technology is entitled PKMS2 for “Pattern Key Multi Segment, Multi Standard”.

Secure Channels Inc Patented TechnologyPKMS2

Secure Channels Inc Patent TechnologyPKMS2

Baked Shrimp

Melt a stick of butter in the pan. Slice one lemon and layer

it on top of the butter. Put down fresh shrimp, then

sprinkle one pack of dried Italian seasoning. Put in the oven and bake at 350 for 15

min. Best Shrimp you will EVER taste:)

Ordinary Document

Apply initial encryption pattern with key 5 (yellow)

Initial optional encryption

Change angle to see layersSegment 1 with Process 1

Encrypt segment #1 with key 2 (red)

Encrypt segment #3 with key 8 (blue)

Segment 3 with Process 3

Encrypt segment #4 with key 7 (purple)

Segment 4 with Process 4

Encrypt segment #5 with key 2 (red)

Segment 5 with Process 1

Encrypt segment #6 with key 6 (green)

Segment 6 with Process 2

Encrypt segment #7 with key 8 (blue)

Segment 7 with Process 3

Encrypt segment #2 with key 6 (green)

Segment 2 with Process 2

Apply optional final encryption with key 4

PKMS2 applied – for all practical purposes, the document is immune to hacker decryption

Final Optional Encryption

Encrypt segment #8 with key 7 (purple)

Segment 8 with Process 4

Secure Channels IncTECHNOLOGY


Secure Channels Process Hardened Encryption & Resource Envelopment

• SPHERE is our technology that combines the following into a cohesive process

• current encryption standards (e.g. AES256)

• our own patented protocols (e.g. PKMS2)

• our own mathematical encryption models (over 350 patterns)

• an encryption oriented scripting language

• optional customer encryption processes

By doing this we have achieved an unbreakable encryption standard that is unparalleled in the industry. By crafting scripts that start where most cybersecurity tools finish (i.e. FIPS compliance) we can provide the minimal security of FIPS compliance to our maximal security of an impenetrable nature.

By allowing our customers to inject their own encryption standards into our process pipeline we can assure them that their data is theirs alone. We at SecureChannels feel very strongly that (given legal usage) the customer’s data belongs to the customer alone. As such, not only do we not mine the data, we can’t mine the data.

To ensure this level and confidence of data security we enable encryption from endpoint to endpoint, covering data storage through transmission.

Secure Channels Inc Patented TechnologySPHERE

Secure Channels IncTECHNOLOGY

Language Agnostic Communications

• Text based communication (IM, SMS, chat, email, etc.) can be language agnostic*

• Sender creates message in sender’s native language

• Recipient receives message in recipient’s native language

• Communicated message can be standalone or contain original message

• Translation practices can also be applied to stored or transmitted documents

* - based on currently available language translation tools

Secure Channels Inc Language Agnostic Communications

Secure Channels IncSolutions

Shield of Certainty Cloud Services™

Secure Channels IncSolutions

Shield of Certainty Cloud Services™

Shield of Certainty Cloud Services™ provides multiple layers of protection from the physical data center all the way through to the database. Security is the core of Secure Channels infrastructure.

Secure Cloud Encrypted File protection services:• Files ( Documents, Pictures, Videos)• Backup (Database, Financials, and Documents)

Secure Channels IncSolutions

Data Encryption Solutions

PKMS2 Patented Encryption Technology

We can protect your data in house and in the cloud:• File servers• Disaster recovery data • Backups

Whether your data is on cloud service or on local servers we can encrypt your data with our patented encryption technology.

Secure Channels IncVertical Market Rollout

Financial Sector


Point of Sale



Health Records

EMR Integration


Cloud Services


File Hosting

Business Hosting

Information Technology

End Point Protection

Hardware, Software

Disaster Recovery

• Secure Channels SA is exclusively licensed in the US to use its brand. This company is Secure Channels Inc with its main offices in Irvine, California.

• PLEASE NOTE: Secure Channels Inc is currently NOT a subsidiary of Secure Channels SA and has independent ownership.

• Secure Channels SA is a Swiss corporation whose primary function is to own and develop IP to licensed distributors to sell.

• The Company’s current valuation is $25,000,000

Secure Channels Inc TechnologyCORPORATE STRUCTURE

• In the mobile telephony voice space there are a number of competitors such as:

• Silent CircleCellCryptCrytophonePhoneCryptSecure VoiceSecSmartSnapCellTopSecSecure MobileAirwatch

• Mobile is not our focus even though we could compete due to having superior technology.

Secure Channels Inc TechnologyOUR COMPETITION

• In the data transfer and cloud storage market there are fewer competitors and in fact some of these could become clients or partners rather than competitors:

• DropboxMegaSkydriveGoogleYahooCloudGatewayZenprise

• Both our language agnostic and PKMS2 technologies can enhance the services of a number of our competitors as plug-ins or applications. Whilst we will be providing our technologies through our partners, we see a huge market for them in licensing our technologies to other service providers. We can also see ourselves consequently becoming an acquisition target of some of these competitors.

• Whilst intrusion detectors, firewalls, etc. provide a deterrence, the real key to protecting IP and valuable data is the encryption behind those defences. When a hacker breaks in, all they find is un-readable data.

• PKMS2 takes existing data, whether encrypted or not, and breaks it into segments, encrypting each segment with separate keys. The sequence of the segments varies with time. Therefore unless the hacker has all of those keys, plus the sequence at any given moment of time, it is impossible to break. This technology is exclusive to PKMS2.

Secure Channels Inc TechnologyOUR COMPETITION Could become clients

• Start in North America through Proximity LLC and Secure Channels Inc with our focus on partnering with other technology providers to provide a holistic solution.

• Focus on securing the cloud applications.

• Once the North America market has been established, we will license other distributors and partners in other territories. To this end, Secure Channels SA has entered into a global agreement with the International Telecommunications Union’s IMPACT group, through which it is being introduced to more than 140 countries see: Other corporate members of IMPACT include HP, IBM, Microsoft, Intel and Cisco as examples.

• Undertake discussions with the IT major players such as Microsoft, Google, HP, Cisco, AWS and Intel (already having early discussions with Cisco and HP), primarily as potential customers and distributors.

• Key Offerings:

• High-end data encryption for businesses, government agencies, non-profits and High Net Worth individuals.

• Data protection in the cloud, at rest, and in transit.

• Pivot products and solutions to address Mobile and Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) implications, as well as Language Translation capabilities.

Secure Channels Inc TechnologyWHY WE ARE THE BEST

Richard Blech: CEO Secure Channels Inc - is an entrepreneur, investor and innovator. His primary business focus is on data security and technology and he is interested in sustainability. As managing member of Imperium Management LLC, Richard actively invests in technologically advanced and ecologically friendly ventures. He has a discerning ability to determine market trends that are not only lucrative, but also pave the way to technological advancement across the globe. Richard is the President of Secure Channels Inc. and the CEO of Proximity LLC - both high tech/data security companies.

Malcolm Hutchinson: CEO Secure Channels SA - is a highly experienced Australian Executive and entrepreneur residing in Switzerland with extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. He was an executive at CEO level (10 years) in Australian local government, worked on United Nations IT projects for 4 years then became an entrepreneur. He co-founded two successful start-ups in Switzerland including Living PlanIT SA and WISeKey SA. Malcolm is renowned as a business strategist having in particular developed the business concepts for WISeKey (current valuation in excess of $200 million) and Living PlanIT (current valuation in excess of $1 billion). He was named as one of the IT industry’s “Movers and Shakers” by IT Watch USA in 2001.

Robert Coleridge: CTO Secure Channels Inc & SA- is long time Systems Analyst/Software Engineer with over 35 years' experience, 12 of those at Microsoft as a Senior Software Design Engineer. At Microsoft he spent the majority of his time in the areas of creating and building strategic and visionary working prototypes for a number of the executives including Gates and Ballmer. While at Microsoft Robert also had the opportunity to play key roles in the development and vision that was to become .NET and WCF. He designed and implemented Microsoft's first SOAP toolkit which today is better known as web services. Today more than 6 billion devices including every smart phone relies on the software Robert helped create.

Mike Vallejo: CIO- -Secure Channels Inc - is an innovator in the technology industry for over 20 years. His vast experience has involved managing, maintaining, and directing the scope of information for business. Including user support, maintenance of network/server/database/application infrastructure, security policy, application software support and development, IT controllership and technology integrations. He has developed software for B2B, the health care industry as well as the security field. Mike’s specialty is program budget management, technology operations, engineering and business relationship partnering to align information technology with the strategic direction of the company.

Secure Channels Inc TechnologyManagement

TRN : Secure web hosting, Encrypted Document Management, Video Streaming services, Disaster Relief programs

Kaspersky: Appliance integration, Endpoint Protection with encryption

XAC Automation and Zakus: Encryption on POS devices

Ciphertex: Encryption of their NAS and Backup devices

Video Surveillance Now: Encryption of video in the Video Security sector

South Coast Plaza: Secure Cloud Services, Encryption of Analytic data from Proximity

Backpac: Cloud services, Encryption, Proximity, Language Agnostic Communications

Invincea: Integration of their End point protection with encryption for data and OS protection

Gold Fax: Encryption integration of the fax servers on Gold fax software.

Secure Channels Inc TechnologyClients

Secure Channels Inc. Debuts New Patented Encrypted Technology at BlackHat 2014

Black Hat Hackers Fail to Crack Encryption Tech

‘Impenetrable’ encryption arrives to lock down Internet of Things | Third Certainty

Secure Channels Inc TechnologyPress Release

Proximity LLC

Proximity LLC Product Technology

Proximity LLC Software Technology

Secure Channels


Proximity Shop


Products Coupons


Ads Alerts

Proximity LLC Technology

Proximity Shop Wireframe

Proximity LLC Technology

Wireframe Splash Page – design is to be determined by client, but with

reference to our branding logo image.

Featured Page – featured product page. Displays all featured products from all stores.

Categories Page – categories page which is named or titled after the client.

Stores Page – view the listings of all Church's in range of the proximity.

Profile Page – profile page for customer or registered user.

Search Page – search functionality for stores, products, specials, etc.

Proximity LLC Technology

Wireframe Product Page – individual product page.

Coupon Page – displays QR code for redemption to stores.

Buy Now Page.

Proximity LLC Management Richard Blech – CEO

As CEO of Proximity LLC, a company directly partnered with Secure Channels Inc for which its products enhance the

performance of a wide spectrum of enterprises, addressing such issues as securing accurate demographic data,

management of internet commerce, fraud detection and IP location technology. Blech has taken a hands-on approach at

the various companies that he is affiliated with, often using his financial expertise to oversee the financial aspects of these

businesses. His research and insight has led to cost-effective, energy efficient improvements as major value added

enhancements to his technological partners.

Ray Rainier – CTO

Ray is a technology professional who has worked for Microsoft Corporation as an Enterprise Consultant. At Microsoft, he

was assigned in the Midwest region to provide consulting services to Fortune 100 companies. An experienced team

leader and collaborator, Ray worked with teams at Accenture, Dell, HP and Intel on various enterprise projects.

Miguel Carlos – COO

Miguel is a driven entrepreneur with a strong command and expertise of business development and client management

experience. Miguel is a high performing, strategic thinking leader – his skillset lending itself to client relations and

business partnering. Miguel believes presentational and interpersonal communication is the cornerstone for building

businesses in today’s impersonal technological markets. Fostering new companies, by assessing needs, generating

options, and implementing solutions in collaboration with clients and stakeholders. Comfortable from nurturing the original

idea to requirements gathering and needs identification phase through to completion and management of the

company. Miguel is instrumental in building synergy and bringing the team to form a technology company geared for the

future. Miguel is a co-founder of Proximity LLC.

Mike Vallejo – CIO

Mike is an innovator in the technology industry for over 20 years. His vast experience has involved managing,

maintaining, and directing the scope of information for business. Including user support, maintenance of

network/server/database/application infrastructure, security policy, application software support and development, IT

controllership and technology integrations. He has developed software for B2B, the health care industry as well as the

security field. Mike’s specialty is program budget management, technology operations, engineering and business

relationship partnering to align information technology with the strategic direction of the company.

Proximity LLCVertical Market Rollout






Point of Sale

Shopping Analytics






M Commerce

Online Shopping

