Section 5 emmy & erin


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The Revolution in Manners and Morals

Emmy Sprong and Erin Wright

Overall Thesis

Following the devastation of WWI, the younger generation began revolutionizing the code of manners and morals upheld by their parents, causing an uproar across the nation from members of the older generations.

Subsection Thesis

As part of the revolution in manners and morals, the younger generation began experimenting with sex at earlier ages than ever before, and even more shocking, outside the bounds of marriage.

Disapproval of the older generation.

Lessened shame, increase in divorce.

Sexual experiences outside marriage.

Birth control allows sexual freedom.


Charlin, Dr. Andrew. Divorce Rates per 1000 marriages. N.d. Unknown, John Hopkins University. Divorce and the Curse of 1920. Web. 7 Mar. 2012.

Frederick Lewis Allen, “The Revolution in Manners and Morals” in Only Yesterday, © 1931 by Harper & Brothers, New York. pp. 73-101.

Held, John. The Flapper Girl. 1920. Flickr, unknown. Flickr. Web. 7 Mar. 2012.

NYU. Birth Control Review. N.d. NYU, New York City. Margaret Says. Web. 7 Mar. 2012.

Photographer, Unknown. Women Lounging. 1920. OSU, Oklahoma. eHistory. Web. 7 Mar. 2012.

University of, Minnesota. Beware of Chance Aquaintences. 1922. American Social Health Association United States Public Health Service, Minnesota. University libraries. Web. 7 Mar. 2012.

Web Image. 7 Mar. 2012.

Web Image. 7 Mar. 2012.
