SEASR Installation




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Installing Meandre

Xavier Llorà"

Data-Intensive Technologies and Applications,!National Center for Supercomputing Applications, !

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The SEASR project and its Meandre infrastructure!are sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The Moving parts of Meandre

•  Considerations

•  Meandre servers and clusters

•  The Workbench

•  The Community Hub

•  The Zotero plugin


•  Do you want to use SEASR-powered services?

–  May not need to install anything (besides a browser)

•  Do you want to run analytics on your laptop?

–  Quick 3 step process

•  Do you want to provide SEASR-powered services?

–  Start simple

–  Scale as needed

•  Deploying all the extra goodies

Using SEASR-Powered Services

•  SEASR provide some demo services

•  Just need a browser

•  You can access them at

– (via the community hub portal)

– (run or do-it-yourself tuning of a flow)

– (access to the workbench)

–  Use Zotero to analyze your collections

I Need To Run SEASR Home

•  Need to run it on my laptop

–  Copyrighted information

–  Collection to analyze to big to be moved

–  Just want to test it and have fun with it

•  Getting a Meandre server up and running in 3 steps

1.  Install Java (

2.  Download the Meandre server jar into a new directory (

3.  Type java –jar meandre-server-1.4.0.jar

•  Access your new installation at

–  http://localhost:1714/public/services/ping.html

Specialized Bundles

•  On the SEASR Meandre download site


•  There are installation bundles for:

–  Mac OS

–  Linux

–  Windows

•  They require you have Java installed

•  They provide a:

–  A simple point and click installer

–  Load a set of demo components and flows

Batteries Included

•  The bundle comes with

–  The Meandre Server

–  The ZigZag console/compiler/runtime

–  The Meandre Workbench (also provided as a war file)

•  Provides simple scripts to

–  Start/stop all the services (server and workbench)

–  Start/stop the Meandre server

–  Start/stop the Meandre Workbench

What About Setting Up My Own Server?

•  You can deploy the bundles also on a server

•  This will support

–  Moderated traffic

–  Will allow you to start providing services

–  Will allow you to use your favorite application server to deploy the Workbench

•  May want to consider

–  Meandre uses and embedded Derby as a backend storage

–  Migrate the storage to production-strength backends

Backend Using MySQL

•  Run and stop the server

•  Modify the default meandre-config-store.xml

<entry key="DB_USER"></entry> <entry key="DB_DRIVER_CLASS"> org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver</entry> <entry key="DB">Derby</entry> <entry key="DB_PASSWD"></entry> <entry key="DB_URL”>jdbc:derby:./MeandreStore;create=true;logDevice=./DerbyLog </entry>

Backend Using MySQL

•  Change meandre-config-store.xml to

<entry key="DB_USER">USERNAME</entry> <entry key="DB_DRIVER_CLASS”>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</entry> <entry key="DB">MySQL</entry> <entry key="DB_PASSWD">PASSWORD</entry> <entry key="DB_URL”><![CDATA[jdbc:mysql://]]></entry>

•  Restart the server

•  Now your server is backend on MySQL

Scaling Up

•  Two possible routes

–  Deploy a farm of self-contained services (via zigzag)

–  Use the Meandre Cluster solution

•  Both require your sysadmin/netadmin to provide a highly available load balancer (some virtual appliances available)

•  To create a cluster

–  Use the previous MySQL set up

–  Point all the servers to the same database

–  The server interface pages will allow you to monitor of the servers

Installing The Workbench

•  Use the installation bundles

•  Use the war file

–  Install your favorite application server

–  Deploy the war file against the application server

Installing the Community Hub

•  The community hub is a Wordpress plugin

•  Allows to point to a Meandre server

•  Makes all the flows available for execution

•  Pages and posts can add the tag


–  E.g. [meandre-desc]

•  Renders the description of the flow information and provides a simple execute button to allow visitors to run the flow

•  Deploy the zip file into Wordpress plugins directory

The Zotero Plugin

•  Open Firefox

•  Install Zotero


•  Install the SEASR Zotero plugin


•  The plugin will point to the default services provided by SEASR

•  You can develop and deploy your own (samples available)

•  SEASR plugin preferences allow to point to other service providers

Installing Meandre

Xavier Llorà"

Data-Intensive Technologies and Applications,!National Center for Supercomputing Applications, !

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The SEASR project and its Meandre infrastructure!are sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
