Scrum discussion (1)


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  • 1.Roshan Venugopal Certified Scrum Master With Cognizant Tech solutions since 2004. Passionate about Scrum, web2.0 and open source 8/12/2013 2

2. Beginnings In-depth Advanced Scrum 8/12/2013 3 3. 8/12/2013 4 Most companies approach software development as follows: dream up a project. set a date for launch hire a bunch of coders whip them until theyre half dead. hire some testers testers reports bugs PM blames testers for bugs while reporting green Business has no idea what was accomplished Time passes quicklyIts already 2years Unfortunately the market has changed and we are out with the project is technically obsolete Start over. 4. Concept first discussed by H. Takeuchi and I. Nonaka in their seminal HBR article "The New New Product Development Game (Jan 1986) 8/12/2013 5 5. Jeff Sutherland was frustrated by this cycle and wanted to deploy new products fast without the death-march aspect. He discovered Scrum in an HBR article and first implemented it in 1993 at Easel Corp. 8/12/2013 6 6. Other iconoclasts banded together to form the Agile alliance to promote Agile/Scrum methodologies. Scrum is the management framework for product development promoted by the alliance. Agile though based on empirical experiences borrows from Lean Manufacturing, Six sigma, Wideband Delphi etc. 8/12/2013 7 7. We value Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan 8/12/2013 8 8. 8/12/2013 9 Agile Scrum FDD RADXP 9. Process to manage a self organizing team that uses agile principles to focus on delivering the greatest business value in the shortest time. Code fast, Release often. Time boxing Releases. Collaboration with stakeholders. Management wrapper for agile engineering processes. Adapt to changing marketplace 8/12/2013 10 10. Value to customer Collaboration and feedback Motivated teams Responsibility and decision making at lowest level Work at sustainable pace Face to face communication Frequent delivery of working software Inspect and Adapt No surprises 8/12/2013 11 11. 8/12/2013 12 12. 8/12/2013 13 When you accept a challenge, see it through. 13. 8/12/2013 14 14. 8/12/2013 15 Water Fall Iterative Scrum Requirements Code Testing Implementation Analysis & Design Requirements Code, Test Prototype, Analy sis Design Implementation Prototype, Analy sis Design Code, Test Some Requirements Sprint Sprint Sprint Sprint 15. Google (Adwords. One of the biggest money making apps in Googles history) Government NASA, VA DMV, BBC, DoD Healthcare GE Healthcare Manufacturing HP, Siemens, Nokia Software Products Microsoft, Electronic Arts, High Moon Studios Finance Capital One, Intuit 8/12/2013 16 16. 8/12/2013 18 Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 4 Sprint 3 Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Sprint Application Daily Scrum Working Increment 17. Sprint is a time boxed build increment (no changes accepted during a sprint) Normally lasts for 2-4 weeks Input Sprint backlog built by the team containing User Stories/Use Cases ordered by priority. Output Done User stories and Sprint demo to Product Owner Each User story is rated based on importance, complexity, Feature, time needed. Every Sprint must deliver atleast one finished piece of functionality. 8/12/2013 19 18. 3 actors 3 artifacts 3 ceremonies 8/12/2013 20 19. Cross functional team consisting 5-9 members Organizes itself and its work Preferable co-located or must have visual and voice connection Plans and creates sprint backlog Attends daily scrum meeting Completes all tasks required for a user story Demos the sprint to Product owner Chickens and Pigs 8/12/2013 21 20. Exercise Divide into teams Create a team name 8/12/2013 22 21. Plans and creates Product backlog Decides on release date Can change Priority and backlog at the beginning of a sprint. Attends scrum meetings as needed Accept or Reject Sprint deliverables Must have the vision and expertise 8/12/2013 23 22. 8/12/2013 24 23. Organizes planning sessions for Product Owner and Team Ensures co-operation inside team across functions and roles Removes barriers and external interferences Plans Daily scrum meetings and Sprint Demos Product Owner engagement Servant leader 8/12/2013 25 24. Conducted before the beginning of a sprint Joint planning by team and Product Owner Create prioritized backlog of user stories and tasks for given sprint Mutually define done for the sprint 8/12/2013 26 25. Duration 1 month (20-22 working days) Day 1 Sprint Planning Day 2 14/15 Code/Test(fix)/Build Day 15/16 18/19 Integration & Test Day 20/21 Demo and Retrospective 8/12/2013 27 26. Typically, Sprints have a unique feature or theme. Helps focus the PO and Team to a united goal Helps manage backlogs Helps in envisioning the product roadmap Examples ? 8/12/2013 28 27. Daily 15 min meeting Only 3 questions to be asked and answered What have you done in last 24 hours ? What do you plan to do next 24 hours ? Any Obstacles ? Is not a status update to Scrum master or Product owner Team will assign task themselves Only pigs will talk, chickens will listen Team will co-ordinate the meeting Scrum Master to resolve obstacles 8/12/2013 29 28. 8/12/2013 30 29. Team demos the Sprint deliverables to Product owner Product Owner can accept or reject the deliverables Q & A session with team Demo is actual product demonstration and not a ppt deck. 8/12/2013 31 30. Q & A session with team What went wrong What was done right Improvements for next sprint Celebrate sprint success 8/12/2013 32 31. As a I want to so that Attributes Size Use Cases per story Complexity H/M/L Time needed story points Priority Must have/ Good to have Based on the above, Rank each User story in the Backlog 8/12/2013 33 32. Exercise Each team to create 3-4 Business goals to develop an portal for your football team. Discuss 8/12/2013 34 33. Product Owner to co-ordinate Decompose epics to right sized-stories Prioritize at a theme level Kano analysis Relative weights Net Present Value 8/12/2013 35 34. Calculate the number of days to build a wall Est. effort req. is 160 man hours Exercise: Size the team and estimate the duration. 8/12/2013 36 35. Member Portal for Medical Insurance Benefits As a user I need to view my available benefits As a user I need to view my claims As a user I need to call help desk to reset my password As a helpdesk analyst I need to edit user profile As a Company representative I need to view the website usage statistics 8/12/2013 37 36. Exercise Create 10 user stories based on Business goals Prioritize Size using Fibonacci scale 1,2,3,5,8,13 Each user story must be linked to a business goal Rank the user stories Assume 2 story points per man day Discuss 8/12/2013 38 37. Member Portal for Medical Insurance Benefits As a user I need to view my available benefits Create a screen for user to register- 8hrs Create security features for users when logging- 15 hrs Get data feed from eligibility d/b- 2hrs Write Ajax code to display member benefits- 12 hrs Test screen registration- 1 hr Test member benefits display -3 hr Test website security -9 hr 8/12/2013 39 38. 8/12/2013 40 39. Preferably displayed in the Scrum room Must contain all the User stories in the Sprint backlog Must contain 3 columns / rows to denote user stories that have Not been started Work In Progress Includes coding complete but testing in progress Been completed Must include only items that has been done and no more work is needed. 8/12/2013 41 40. 8/12/2013 42 To do WIP Done Task1 Task2 Task3 Task4 Task5 Task6 Task7 Task8 Task9 Sprint 8 is in progress. 6 days left for Demo. Comment on the taskboard. 41. 8/12/2013 43 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 10/17/2008 10/18/2008 10/19/2008 10/20/2008 10/21/2008 10/22/2008 10/23/2008 10/24/2008 10/25/2008 10/26/2008 10/27/2008 10/28/2008 10/29/2008 10/30/2008 10/31/2008 11/1/2008 11/2/2008 11/3/2008 11/4/2008 11/5/2008 11/6/2008 11/7/2008 11/8/2008 11/9/2008 11/10/2008 11/11/2008 11/12/2008 11/13/2008 11/14/2008 11/15/2008 11/16/2008 11/17/2008 HoursLeft Sprint Burndown Chart 42. Rate at which story points were completed per sprint by a team. Very useful in estimation and planning for subsequent sprints. Used to track effectiveness of Scrum as velocity increases every sprint. 8/12/2013 44 43. Typically Scrum assumes 5-5.5 hours of productive work every working day. Vacations and holidays are included in planning. Team decides the available capacity. Additional specialized capacity has to be accounted for like DBAs etc. 8/12/2013 45 44. Typically, Sprints have a unique feature or theme. Helps focus the PO and Team to a united goal Helps manage backlogs Helps in envisioning the product roadmap Examples ? 8/12/2013 46 45. Exercise Organize your User stories and tasks into a Sprint backlog Discuss 8/12/2013 47 46. 8/12/2013 48 47. XP eXtreme Programming Scrum is the management wrapper for XP XP has a set of rules for engineering including Pair Programming Test Driven Development Automated unit Tests Code Refactoring 8/12/2013 49 48. Agile culture & PMO Competition Management Responsibilities Documentation and Signoffs Finger pointing Trust and Openness 8/12/2013 50 49. Planning - Dont plan too ahead. Goals are reached one step at a time. Involve team in planning Testing in Scrum Testing Automation Work should be interesting for testers TDD Testing as development activity 8/12/2013 51 50. Development Environment Automated unit tests Common sense items Code Review Help documentation Performance testing Defect tracking Implementation Environment Automated builds 8/12/2013 52 51. 8/12/2013 53 52. Its defined as the buildup of small issues or malfunctions in the code base which needs corrective action. Fixing(repaying) this will have not business benefit but needs to be done else over time debt gets escalated to unmanageable levels. 8/12/2013 54 53. Nokia Test Scrum Smells Planning Poker Refactoring Scrum tools 8/12/2013 55 54. 8/12/2013 56 55. 8/12/2013 57 56. 4 points from each team Discuss 8/12/2013 58 57. Top down approach Scrum mentor to coach CxOs Scrum Center of Excellence Coach Scrummasters and Product Owners Scrum mentor to assist teams 8/12/2013 59 58. Bottom up approach Influential developers implement Scrum Demonstrate Scrum efficiencies Attain critical mass by reaching out to management 8/12/2013 60 59. Discuss Product Backlog actual example 8/12/2013 61 60. Read articles/white papers/presentations Implement scrum Get Certified Certified Scrum Master Certified Product Owner 8/12/2013 62 61. Packaged commonsense Old wine in new bottle Commercialized and watered down Newest buzzword Read Agile Disease blog by Luke Halliwell 8/12/2013 63 62. Scrum xp from the trenches ControlChaos Mountain Goat Software Rally software (look for papers/presentations on Scrum/Agile) (look for papers/articles/presentations on Scrum) 8/12/2013 64
