Saxen van coller – common pitfalls most wildlife photographers neglect


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Saxen Van Coller – Common Pitfalls Most Wildlife Photographers Neglect

Photographing wildlife is altogether a different experience. Animals specially wild ones are beautiful subjects. Hence a photographer cannot resist capturing the images of these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Unlike landscape photography, animals are constantly on a move and can be pretty uncooperative when it comes to taking pictures making them botched and blurry.

Here are a few common pitfalls that a wildlife photographer can look

carefully into: A tiny subject- when out in the wild its tough to approach the

wild animals as they get easily spooked. This is the reason many wildlife photographs look like tiny specks. This can work in some situations, but for the most part each photographer wants a subject that is large enough in the frame with the details in the eyes. Here you need to use a good telephoto lens with a long focal length over 200mm which will allow you to keep the distance while still filming the frame.

Blurred image comes in many forms. While taking photographs of wild animals the, entire image can be blurred due to a camera shake or making the important areas blurry. This problem increases when the lens is magnified by longer focal lengths. Using a tripod is tough as the animals are moving constantly and so will you states Saxen Van Coller. So the only solution is to use a very fast shutter speed. You can also use a lens with image stabilization as this will prevent camera shake blur.

We have all been there when you see the perfect shot, frame it and hit the shutter. But by the time the camera focuses and the exposure is made the animal moves making it a missed moment. And all you are left here with is nothing in the camera. Anticipation is what you need here. It's a skill that comes with practice and a keen eye.

If you know when the perfect moment is about to happen, hit the shutter right before the peak moment and this will cause the camera to snap at just the right time. This work in cases of animals like whales or giraffes who move instantaneously.

Continuous shooting is also a good thing. When you know the animal is in motion, and this is the best chance you will get then put your camera on the continuous shooting mode where you can take several images per second and choose the best one.

A higher- end DSLR and mirrorless cameras will have a much faster and maximum shooting speed. No matter which camera you have, if it has a fast memory card both SD and CF cards who have a certain speed that they operate at then you have hit bullseye. A faster card will make sure that your camera doesn't get bogged while trying to save images.

It is not called the wildlife for nothing. Animals love their space and are not adjusted to polite society, they can be pretty rough, so make sure you are not in their way at the wrong time. Animals spend most of their time looking for food and the spats over food can turn ugly, so never be in the way of their lunch. The last thing is it's very important to treat animals and their habitat with utmost care and respect to avoid any unfortunate incident.

