Ross Kimbarovsky & Mike Samson, CrowdSpring



We are witness to an underground creative community forming on the Internet, and they are becoming a force to be reckoned with. They're writers and inventors, photographers and designers, musicians and marketers. And there are sites where they can share their work with the world - from Wikipedia and Dell Idea Storm to iStockPhoto and Threadless.

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Beware of the underdog.

Beware of the underdog.

The bald one.

The hairy one.

Welcome to the revolution.

We all want to change the world.




Nobody is safe.

You will lose.

You’re good enough.You’re smart enough.

And dog gone it, people like you.

So f#&*ing what?!

Writers write.

Painters paint.

Designers design.

Singers sing.

Commodity, schmodity.

You should be less concerned with people stealing your ideas than people actually listening to them.

The end.
