Reuse 1 6th a


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We reuse the books, dictionaries, the computers, the material of the class

(tables, chairs, clay, things of the laboratory, papers...)

1.- What does reuse mean?

The action of using something again and again.

2.- Why should we reuse?

We should reuse because we have to keep away bad things from our world. Example: global warming.

Another reason: we can save money because we use the same

thing many times.Also it is a way of recycling.

3.- Find out what we do at school and how can we improve.

We reuse the books, dictionaries, the computers, the material of the class (tables, chairs, clay, things of the laboratory, papers...)

We can improve making the children keep better the materials: not writing, not doing paintings...

Things we do to reuse paper:

-Write in both sides of the paper

-Don´t throw books, use them again.

-Make handicrafts with newspaper, papers, cardboard...

Things we can do to improve the reusing of plastic:

-We can make instruments, games... with bottles, some decoration...
