Reshaping SharePoint for Evolving Internet Devices


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Reshaping SharePoint for

Evolving Internet Devices

Your SharePoint Branding Experts

Eric Overfield

SharePoint Branding and UI Lead


Introduction – Eric Overfield

• Founder and SharePoint Branding Lead, PixelMill

• Working with SharePoint since 2004

• Web Designer since 1998

• Located in Davis, CA



• Developing SharePoint solutions since 2004

• SharePoint Branding and UI Specialists

• Developer of Cost effective SharePoint Templates

• Your SharePoint Branding Experts


• Difference between Devices

• Why We Care

• Possible Solutions with SharePoint

• What about SharePoint 2013?

What is the Difference Between Devices?

"There’s a plethora of devices out there with widely differing abilities

– it’s never been more confusing or challenging to create brilliant

interfaces that work across them all.” ~ Jeffery Zeldman

• Screen Size

• Functionality

• Usability

Why Do We Care?

• Mobile Devices are Invading

• If not now then in a few years.

• How old is your Intranet?

• Build towards the future, not the past

So What Do We Do?

Available Options

• Device Specific Interfaces

• SharePoint 2010 has Mobile Detection

• SharePoint 2013?

• One design to rule them all, one design to bind them

• Responsive Web Design anyone?

The Mobile Interface

• SharePoint 2010 has a mobile interface

• Allows access to documents, lists, calendars, search, SMS alerts

• Controlled by USERAGENT

• App_Browsers\compat.browser

• Custom Web Parts, _layouts likely won’t work

• Difficult to customize

Code Once Use Everywhere

•Two primary methods

• Progressive Enhancement

• Responsive Web Design

Progressive Enhancement

• #1 trend for 2012 - .net Magazine

• Coined by Steven Champeon in 2003

• Content first, then add styling

• Separate Content from Presentation

SharePoint and Progressive Enhancement

• SharePoint was not built with PE in mind

• JavaScript and SharePoint

• Too much presentation baked into html

• i.e. Tables, Inline styles

Responsive Web Design

• #2 trend for 2012 - .net Magazine

• Use fluid grids to adapt to viewing environment

• Uses CSS3 and JavaScript

• All devices load same page, use CSS3 to adapt

• Coined by Ethan Marcotte in May 2010

Responsive Design


SharePoint and Responsive Design

• Uses CSS3 (media queries) and possibly HTML5.

• SharePoint already has a mobile view

• Configure with compat.browser

• Generally only one Master Page for all devices.

• Wide lists and Site Settings pages are not mobile friendly

• Primary issues are with RWD itself!

SharePoint and Responsive Design

• Additional overhead

• Does require CSS3

• Bandwidth Concerns

• Are mobile users and desktop users the same?

• Separate mobile vs Responsive? It’s political?

What to do?

• PE vs RWD vs Separate Mobile

• Define Project

• Limit overhead

• Find a CSS guru will be key

• Responsive Web Design is worth considering

• SharePoint limits our options

• One site is difficult enough to maintain

Device Channels Anyone?

• New to SharePoint 2013

• Interfaces tailored and maps to specific device(s)

• Custom Master Pages per Channel

• Custom DeviceChannelPanels

Devices Channels, the Good and Bad

• Tailored interfaces

• Only works with Publishing Sites

• Maintain multiple Master Pages and/or sites

• New devices? Maintain that list too?

The Best of Both Worlds?

• Responsive Design and Device Channels

• Built a Responsive site for all devices

• Use DeviceChannelPanels

• Create a Device Channel for special cases

• But we have to wait


• Build towards the future, not the past

• Mobile devices will penetrate the corporate firewall

• SharePoint 2010 – Response Design

• SharePoint 2013 – Responsive Design w/ Device Channels


• "Responsive Web Design" by Ethan Marcottes

• Configure SharePoint Server 2010 for Mobile Device Access

• SharePoint 2010 Responsive Web design Template by Luis Kerr

• v5, the Responsive HTML5 Master Page for SharePoint 2010 by Kyle Schaeffer

• Ethan Marcottes’ 20 Favorite Responsive Designs

Thank You

Your SharePoint Branding Experts

Eric Overfield

