React & Radium (Colin Megill)


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ReactJS // Radium@colinmegill

I love D3.

var circle = svg.selectAll(‘circle’){"padding", function (d) {

return === bar ? 5 : 10;}})

Why is this possible?

padding: function(d) {return === bar ? 5 : 10;


Functional UI Paradigm

Data → re-render on change → UI

Why is this significant?

The UI is always a reflection of the data. The styles are recomputed every time the data changes.

Back to the beginning

<p style="padding: 10px"> who’s a kitty


Why did we stop doing this?

<p style=“padding: 10px”> who’s a kitty


<p style="padding: 10px"> who’s a kitty


CSS to the rescue

If we wanted to change the look and feel of the site, we would need to change it in all of the .html files one at a time.

An appropriate abstraction:

<p class="kitty"> who’s a kitty


.kitty {padding: 10px;


We like saying CSS is declarative

<p class="kitty"> who’s a kitty


.kitty {padding: 10px;


<p class="kitty"> who’s a kitty


.kitty {padding: 10px;


.kitty:hover {padding: 10px;

} really just a declarative way to say (with jQuery)...

if (this.hover) {this.padding = 10;



Backbone & jQuery to the rescue?

this.model.on('change', function() { if ( === bar) {$('#kitty').addClass('meow');


Listen & update, update & trigger

change → update → trigger → change

Like the internet, it’s a series of tubes

Functional Programming

React was inspired by D3

Virtual DOM Diffing


padding: foo === bar ? 5px : 10px

modulo no technologies disappear

CSS is over.

It’s been over for a while.

It doesn’t handle state.

Wait, isn’t that why we started down this path in the first place, shared code?

(globals aren’t good)

foo :in-range {


The spec will never keep up with JS

(variables, functions, etc.) We even use Sass for static websites!

@import "normalize"; → require("normalize")

h1 { color: $light-blue; }; →

Think: Sass on the client

@import "normalize";require(“normalize”)

h1 { color: $light-blue; }; var headingStyles = {

color: styles.colors.lightBlue}

We use Sass for static websites

We still have modularization. It’s just going to look different:

var buttonStyles = {padding: 5,margin: 10


Modularizing with objects

var button = require("buttonStyles");

The end of globals

Radium handles the edge cases

ReactJS Advantages

Diffing // Perf


Better mental model

Server side rendering

React native

Framework is already mature, and Facebook is building critical applications on it.




❖ Diffing // Perf❖ Composability❖ Better mental model❖ Server side rendering❖ React native❖ Stability❖ Community❖ Radium


ReactJS // Radium@colinmegill

formidable designers are true design heroes
