Rails refactoring call for help



I'm working on techniques that help you safely refactor your Rails codebase. At the start I'm mostly focusing on the Rails controllers. You can sign up at http://rails-refactoring.com/ for free rails refactoring lessons. Meanwhile, please send me more examples of Rails controllers, so that I can discover better patterns. andrzejkrzywda@gmail.com

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dear Ruby friends

It’s fun to talk about …

Microservices, bounded contexts, DDD, DCI, Hexagonal, Clean

Architecture, UncleBob, events, CQRS, streams, microapps


Then we go back to our controllers

so called, real life

Can you safely improve it? !

step by step? !


it’s difficult

but possible !

even without tests

safe techniques include:

• inline controller filters

• move model callbacks into controller

• render views explicitly without @ivars

• move action to a new class (service object)

• …

I need more examples of ugly controllers and


Send them to me, please :) !

@andrzejkrzywda andrzejkrzywda@gmail.com

I will add it to my book! !

fame forever

