Python games (pygames)


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Python Games (PyGames)

By: Ahmed AlYazji

Grade: 12AB

What is Python?

• Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale

What is Python Games?

• Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games. Pygame adds functionality on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language. Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system. Pygame itself has been downloaded millions of times, and has had millions of visits to its website.

How much does it cost?

• Pygame is free. Released under the GPL License, you can create open source, free, freeware, shareware, and commercial games with it.

Facts about PyGames

• Does not require OpenGL

• Multi core CPUs can be used easily

• Comes with many Operating systems

• It's Simple and easy to use

• Fast response to reported bugs

Does not require OpenGL

• With many people having broken OpenGL setups, requiring OpenGL exclusively will cut into your user base significantly. Pygame uses either opengl, directx, windib, X11, linux frame buffer, and many other different backends... including an ASCII art backend! OpenGL is often broken on linux systems, and also on windows systems - which is why professional games use multiple backends.

Multi core CPUs can be used easily

• With dual core CPUs common, and 8 core CPUs cheaply available on desktop systems, making use of multi core CPUs allows you to do more in your game. Selected pygame functions release the dreaded python GIL, which is something you can do from C code.

Comes with many Operating systems

• Just an apt-get, emerge, pkg_add, or yast install away.  No need to mess with installing it outside of your operating systems package manager. Comes with binary installers (and uninstallers) for Windows or MacOS X. Pygame does not require setuptools, or ctypes to install.

It's Simple and easy to use

• Kids and adults make games with pygame.ll your functions. This gives you greater control when using other libraries harga Samsung galaxy s6, and for different types of programs.

Fast response to reported bugs

• Some bugs are patched within an hour of being reported. Do a search on our mailing list for BUG... you'll see for yourself. Sometimes we suck at bug fixes, but mostly we're pretty good bug fixers. Bug reports are quite rare these days, since a lot of them have been fixed already.
