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Cegonsoft Pvt Ltd Welcomes You All !!!!!!!!!

What is Python?

PYTHON is one of the fastest technology used in web applications to do the work more accurately by decreasing the process of coding.

Ex: Gmail, Medical Instruments, Mobile Applications, Face book, Yahoo, etc…

What is Python?

PYTHON is one of the fastest technology used in web applications to do the work more accurately by decreasing the process of coding.

Ex: Gmail, Medical Instruments, Mobile Applications, Face book, Yahoo, etc…

Why Python?

In simple, users can freely distribute copies of the software, read the source codes, make the changes to it and use pieces of it in new free programmes. Open source is based on the concept of a community which shares knowledge. This is one of the best reasons why Python is so good.

PYTHON Technology Advantage:

PYTHON Technology Advantage:

Mainly used in software development. Performs accurate Mathematical & Scientific

calculations. Best technology compare to JAVA & .NET Job openings as a Software Developer is huge. More Corporate Trainings. Python is easy to extend in C++, C, and Java

J2EE,.NET,PHP,PYTHON Job TrendsScale: Absolute - Relative

Salary Trends for Python

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