PVDF material compatible with bioethanol




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2. BIOETHANOL Bioethanol has a number of advantages over conventional fuels. It comes from a renewable resource i.e. crops and not from a finite resource. Another benefit over fossil fuels is the greenhouse gas emissions. Also, blending bioethanol with petrol will help extend the life of diminishing oil supplies and ensure greater fuel security, avoiding heavy reliance on oil producing nations. By encouraging bioethanols use, the rural economy would also receive a boost from growing the necessary crops. Bioethanol is also biodegradable and far less toxic that fossil fuels. In addition, by using bioethanol in older engines can help reduce the amount of carbon monoxide produced by the vehicle thus improving air quality. Another advantage of bioethanol is the ease with which it can be easily integrated into the existing road transport fuel system. Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermenting the sugar components of plant materials and it is made mostly from sugar and starch crops. With advanced technology being developed, celluosic biomass, such as trees and grasses, are also used as feedstocks for ethanol production. Ethanol can be used in petrol engines as a replacement for gasoline; it can be mixed with gasoline to any percentage. Most existing car petrol engines can run on blends of up to 15% bioethanol with petroleum/gasoline. Ethanol has a smaller energy density than gasoline, which means it takes more fuel (volume and mass) to produce the same amount of work. An advantage of ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is has a higher octane rating than ethanolfree gasoline available at roadside gas stations which allows an increase of an engines compression ratio for increased thermal efficiency. 3. Marketpotensial andcoproducechemicalsThe market potential for bioethanol is not just limited to transport fuel or energy productionbut has potential to supply the existing chemicals industry. A number of chemicals areproduced in the ethanol industry serving a wide range of uses in the pharmaceuticals,cosmetics, beverages, and medical sectors as well as for industrial uses.Coproduce thefollowingchemicalsalongwithfuelethanol:1. Acetaldehyde (rawmaterialforetherchemicalse.g.bindingagentforpaintsanddyes)2. Aceticacid (rawmaterialforplastics,bleachingagent,preservation)3. Ethylacetate(paints,dyes,plastics,andrubber)4. Ethanol95%(foods,pharmaceuticals,fuelethanol,detergents)5. Thermol (coldmediumforrefrigerationunitsandheatpumps)6. Ethylalcohol(spiritsindustry,cosmetics,printcolours andvarnish7. Isopropylalcohol(IPA)(cleaningagentforelectronicdevice,solvents)INTRODUCTIONTOBIOETHANOLPRODUCTIONUNITEthanolisproducedfrombiomassbyhydrolysisandsugarfermentationprocesses. Biomassispretreatedwithacidandenzymetoproducesugar. Sugaristhenfermentedintoethanol. Ethanolproducedcontainsasignificantamountofwater,whichisremovedbyusingthefractionaldistillationprocess. 4. REACTIONSTEPS1.Hydrolysisreactor:thefeedstockisheating(190C)athighpressure(12.1 atm)withanacidcatalyst(H2SO4).Mostofthehemicellulose isconvertedtoxylose.2. Saccharification reactor:anenzymaticreactionoccurs,whichconverts mostofthecellulosetoglucose.3.Fermentationreactor:mostoftheglucoseandthexylose areconvertedtoethanolandcarbondioxide.ProcessFlowDiagramoftheProcessDevelopmentUnitDependingonthebiomasssourcethestepsgenerallyinclude:1.Storage6.CO2storageandethanolrecapture2.Canecrushingandjuiceextraction 7.Evaporation3.Dilution 8.Distillation4.Hydrolysisforstarchandwoodybio9.Wastewatertreatment5.Fermentationwithyeastandenzim10.Fuelstorage 5. MaterialCompatibilityCorrosive chemicals can be a large problem for a lot of these plants and storage. It is importantto understand that biofuels have significantly different characteristics from petroleum gasolineand diesel. Higher percentage ethanol blended fuels do not have the same compatibilitycharacteristic of conventional fuels when it comes to storage and dispensing.Bioethanol iselectricallyconductiveandthat=>corrosivityEthanolblendsaresubjecttophaseseparation whichcreatecorrosivecondition*)Bioethanol swellssomeelastomer 100%,hardnessandtensilestrengthmaydecreaseandthensuddenlyfailscatastrophicallyWatercontaminationmakesbioethanol moreaggressive(waterfacilitateselectricalconductivity,wateracceleratesoxidation,watermaycontaincorrosivecontaminants)Bioethanol ismoreaggressiveinacidicconditionBioethanol isasolventthatattackselastomers(source:UST(undergroundstoragetank)CONVERSIONFORSTORAGEANDDISPENSINGOFBIOFUELSwww.waterboards.ca.gov)Metallic materials : soft metals such as zinc, brass or alumunium, which are commonly found inconventional fuel storage and dispensing system, are not compatible.*)Picture:phaseseparationinasteel(80 88%ethanol(ethanolwaterphaseinbottomofthetankSource:www.waterboards.ca.gov 6. Ethanol can accelerated corosion in steel system by scouring or loosening deposits on theinternal surfaces of the tank and piping. If an area of corrosion exists, the ethanol can accelerate(scour) the corroded area and cause perforation. Soft metals such zinc, brass, copper, lead andalumunium these metals will degrade or corrode which may damage engineparts and mayresult in poor vehicle driveability. Even if parts do not fail, running an ethanolfuelled vehiclewith contaminated fuel may cause deposits that could eventually harm the engine.Nonmetallic material that degrade when in contact with fuel ethanol include natural rubber,polyurethane, cork gasket material, polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyamides, methylmetaacrylatesplastics, polyesterbonded fiberglass laminates.PVDFCompatibleplasticsmaterialwithBioFuel PVDF exhibit low permeation levels to most fuel while still having good dimensionalstability and having low weight gain PVDF are one of the best resins you can use over a wide range of fuels Nylon physical properties deteriorate and permeation levels become high with high levels of ethanol in fuel HDPE where performance deteriorates with higher toluene and iso octane concentration Biofuel is often not stabilized have a larger effect on materials that dont have as broad of a range of chemical resistance as PVDF resins. PVDF resistance to fuel mixture such as bio diesel, aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic hydrocarbons and alcohols PVDF have outstanding retention of its physical properties in fuel service and can give extended service life when compare to other materials PVDF can withstand to high temperature short term 150C and continuous to 140C(length of service depends on contact time and chemical mixture involved) 7. Study: Nochangeindimensionafterimmersion Nochangeinweightafterimmersion at40Cinbiodieselat40CinbiodieselGraphic:PVDFgainisminimal(
