Purpose or Perish: Engagement is Just a Side Effect



Keynote address at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Boston on June 22, 2011 given by: Tyler Knowlton, Chief Strategist on Digital Innovation for the Chief Trade Commissioner at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) and Debra Lavoy, Director, Product Marketing, Digital and Social Media, Open Text The G20 needed a more organized, more robust and highly secure way to negotiate issue documents and agendas prior to their 2010 Toronto summit. Tyler Knowlton, then a consultant and now the Chief Strategy Officer for Innovation at Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), came up with a radical proposal – a secure, cloud-based collaboration environment where all of the global delegates could share and communicate easily. The initiative was a great success, and consequently continues to be used by the G20 today. Along the way, Tyler and the team learned a few unexpected lessons…not the least of which is how a clear, shared purpose activates a team. Together with Deb Lavoy from OpenText, they will share what they’ve learned from dozens of case studies about the true route to collaboration, engagement and impact, and how you too can achieve it.

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Purpose or Perish: Engagement

is just a side effect



Deb Lavoy, Director, Product Marketing, OpenText

Tyler Knowlton, Chief Strategy Officer, Office of Innovation, DFAIT

People Purpose





