Protocol buffers and Microservices


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Protocol buffers and Microservices

Vladimir Dejanović

Voxxed Days Bristol 02Mar2017


Let’s Meet





Before Protocol Buffers



Before Protocol Buffers

Protocol Buffers



Before Protocol Buffers

Protocol Buffers

Should I care about Protocol Buffers



Before Protocol Buffers

Protocol Buffers

Should I care about Protocol Buffers



In the beginning there was a message


In the beginning there was a message


In the beginning there was a message


In the beginning there was a message


In the beginning there was a message



In the beginning there was a message



Message => Format

Fast Forward to 1996


Fast Forward to 1996

XML - Extensible Markup Language


Fast Forward to 1996

XML - Extensible Markup Language


Both Human-readable and Machine-readable


<attendee> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <address> <city>Bristol</city> <street>Canon's Road</street> <number>1</number> </address></attendee>

XML Example


<attendee> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <address> <city>Bristol</city> <street>Canon's Road</street> <number>1</number> </address></attendee>

XML Example


<attendee> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <address> <city>Bristol</city> <street>Canon's Road</street> <number>1</number> </address></attendee>

XML Example


<xsd:element name="attendee" type="AttendeeType"/> <xsd:complexType name="AttendeeType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="firstName" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="lastName" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="address" type="AddressType"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType>

<xsd:complexType name="AddressType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="city" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="street" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="number" type="xsd:decimal"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType>


<attendee> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <address> <city>Bristol</city> <street>Canon's Road</street> <number>1</number> </address></attendee>

XML Example


<attendee> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <address> <city>Bristol</city> <street>Canon's Road</street> <number>1</number> </address></attendee>

XML Example



<attendee> <firstName>John</firstName> <lastName>Doe</lastName> <address> <city>Bristol</city> <street>Canon's Road</street> <number>1</number> </address></attendee>

XML Example



Fast Forward to 2000 ( sort of )


Fast Forward to 2000 ( sort of )



Fast Forward to 2000 ( sort of )


JSON“JavaScript Object Notation” (sometimes)

Fast Forward to 2000 ( sort of )


JSON“JavaScript Object Notation” (sometimes)

Both Human-readable and Machine-readable

Fast Forward to 2000 ( sort of )


JSON“JavaScript Object Notation” (sometimes)

Both Human-readable and Machine-readable

Developer Friendly

JSON Example


{ firstName : "John", lastName: "Doe", address: {

city: "Bristol",street: "Canon's Road",number: 1


JSON Example


{ firstName : "John", lastName: "Doe", address: {

city: "Bristol",street: "Canon's Road",number: 1


90 vs 159

JSON Example


{ firstName : "John", lastName: "Doe", address: {

city: "Bristol",street: "Canon's Road",number: 1


90 vs 159


No JSON Schema


No JSON Schema


JSON Schema is an Internet Draft currently in its 5th version, which was released on October 13, 2016

No JSON Schema


JSON Schema is an Internet Draft currently in its 5th version, which was released on October 13, 2016

Fast Forward some more ….


Fast Forward some more ….


Welcome to Microservice Era

Fast Forward some more ….


Welcome to Microservice Era (Present Time)

Fast Forward some more ….


Welcome to Microservice Era

Monolith is OUT

(Present Time)

Fast Forward some more ….


Welcome to Microservice Era

Micro is IN

Monolith is OUT

(Present Time)

In the Nutshell


In the Nutshell


In the Nutshell


In the Nutshell


Network Call, Message and Format


Network Call, Message and Format


Which format should we use

Network Call, Message and Format


Which format should we use






XML - security for valid messages ( XSD )



XML - security for valid messages ( XSD )

JSON - we hope all messages will be good



XML - potentially huge size



XML - potentially huge size

JSON - smaller size



High traffic Financial system



Most systems with high traffic

and not “critical” data

New Contender


New Contender


Protocol Buffers

New Contender


Protocol Buffers

Google public release V2 in 2008

Protocol Buffer


Protocol Buffer


Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing

structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.

Protocol Buffer


Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing

structured data – think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.

Protocol Buffer


Generate Code

$ protoc --java_out=src_dir attendee.proto



syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}


syntax = "proto2";package voxxed.bristol;option java_package = "com.voxxed.bristol.pojo";option java_outer_classname = "AttendeeProto";

message Attendee { required string first_name = 1; required string last_name = 2; message Address { required string city = 1; required string street = 2; required int32 number = 3; } optional Address address = 3;}

Generated Code

Message Classes are all immutable


Generated Code

Each Message Class has Builder


Generated Code

static Attendee parseFrom(byte[] data)

static Attendee parseFrom(InputStream input)


Generated Code

byte[] toByteArray()

void writeTo(OutputStream output)


Backward Compatibility Don'ts


Backward Compatibility Don'ts

Change the tag numbers of any existing fields


Backward Compatibility Don'ts

Change the tag numbers of any existing fields

Add or Delete any required fields


Backward Compatibility Do's


Backward Compatibility Do's

Delete optional or repeated fields.


Backward Compatibility Do's

Delete optional or repeated fields.

Add new optional or repeated fields


Backward Compatibility Do's

Delete optional or repeated fields.

Add new optional or repeated fields (But you must use fresh tag numbers )







JSON and XML are Human friendly



JSON and XML are Human friendly


Protocol Buffers proto file needed


Protocol Buffers compact and fast



Protocol Buffers compact and fast


JSON is everywhere


Protocol Buffers vs JSON



Protocol Buffers vs JSON


Protocol Buffers vs XML


Protocol Buffers would not be a good way to model a text-based document with markup





Thank You

