Proper Behavior on the Computer


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By: Alyssa Nicole Barnes

Our first topic is plagiarism and the importance of how dangerous it is.If you do plagiarize something then you could actually end up in jail. Yes jail, if someone has copy rights to the work you plagiarized, then you could be sued or sent to prison to stealing a copyrighted document.

More on Plagiarism Plagiarism is not a good

thing. It could lead to many

things, and sometimes even financial consequences, not just a bad grade.

There two types of plagiarism

Word for word plagiarism and paraphrasing plagiarism.

Paraphrasing plagiarism is basically taking two or more sentences from a copyrighted site and trying to hide it with other text in your own words. This is still plagiarism if you don’t state your resources.

Even more on plagiarism…Plagiarism is taken very seriously every where it’s even a crime if taken into court matters. It could also lead in the failure of your class, report, exam, even grade sometimes if it happens enough.

The next topic on our list is Netiquette. It is a mix between two words (etiquette and internet )which means proper behavior on the internet. Netiquette is very important to think about when on a social network or even talking to someone via email.

More on Netiquette… Netiquette is a very

important thing when on the internet.

No matter whether you delete what you said or think you did, the internet is forever and that message is still somewhere on the internet.

Even more on Netiquette… It is a term that all people need

to think about before they hit the send button.

Think about how many people are going to see the message. It’s not just that one person you are sending it to.

There are many things that netiquette states and one is it emotes and emphasis.

When you are sending a message on the computer do not put your message in all caps because it seems you are shouting at that person.

Emotes are an abbreviation for emoticons which is like a smiley face it is there to show emotion that you really cannot express in words so don’t abuse to a point where no one knows what you are trying to say.

Yep still Netiquette...Netiquette is a very serious thing for people of all ages especially if you are an adult. If you are an adult looking for a job and there is a bad message floating around the internet about you, do you really think the person giving you a job isn’t going to look you up on the internet to see your history? So your chances of getting that job are very slim. So even adults need to be careful when on social networks as well as teens and younger children.

The next topic on the list is Copyrights. Copyrights are law enforced agreements with material. If you have copyrights to something that you wrote, it is yours and no one can steal your ideas. If someone does steal it then you have the legal rights to sue them or take them to court.

More on copyrights… Copyrights are also a

serious matter if they are stolen.

If copyrighted material is stolen it is called plagiarism.

Copyrights are when you create something and you want it to be yours and no one can steal it so you can get a copyright agreement to your work.

Hi I hope you liked my slide show on plagiarism, copyrights ,and netiquette. I hope you learned a few things and Thanks for watching, and I do hope you watched because here is a quiz

1. What could happen if you plagiarize a copyrighted document without permission?

2. What is the two words that netiquette is a mix between?

3. What could happen if you are an adult trying to get a job with something bad about you floating around the internet?

4. If you delete something off the internet does it really ever go away?

Reference Page for information This is a fact site for plagiarism that I based the

information for slides 2-4 off of.

This is also a fact site for copyrights that I based the information for slides 9- 11 off of.

References for pictures The plagiarism sign (2012)

The word cloud (2012)

The netiquette smileyface (n.d)

The copyrightlock (2010)

The copyrightsign

The thankyou sign

Thanks 4 watching ♥
