Promoting the Arts with Social Media



Social media presents a great opportunity for promoting the arts, but understanding how the tools work and using them effectively can be complicated. This session will explain why social media can be important for your organization, Facebook and Twitter basics, and common strategies for putting them to work.

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Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Promoting the Arts with Social Media

Michael PowersJune 6, 2011

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Michael PowersDirector of Web Services

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Facebook 13,755 Fans

Twitter 961 Followers

YouTube 168,641 Views223 Subscribers

IUP on Social Media

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers





On the Web

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

What I’ll Cover1. Strategy: Why Social Media?

2. Tactics: How to Do Social Media

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

About You0

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Who are you?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

How many of you usesocial media in your

personal life?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

How many of you usesocial media for

professional reasons?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Strategy: WhySocial Media?


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

It’s 2011.Do you have to beon social media?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

No, you don’t.

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Yes, Social Media Is Big

Facebook More than 500,000,000 active users

Twitter 175,000,000 accounts

YouTube 390,000,000 visits per day

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

But Not Everyone Is Online

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• You don’t have to do it.

• You don’t have to do every social network

• Social media is not free—it takes time. It can take a lot of time.

Since You’ll Probably Do It Anyway...

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

If You Do It, Figure Out• What you really want to do

• Who you need to talk to do that

• If those people are on social media

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Get people to events?

• Find gigs?

• Sell paintings?

• Get feedback/inspiration?

• Reach out to more people?

What Do You ReallyWant to Do?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

You aren’t in the social media business

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• How many?

• How much will each contribute?

• The 1,000 True Fan Theory:1,000 Fans × $100/year = $100,000

Who Do You Need to Talk To?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Are They on Social Media?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• You think your potential fans are on social media

• You think you have the time

• Go for it.


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Tactics: How to Do Social Media


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• You have a computer

• You are online

• You can make or have someone make a website

Some Assumptions

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Preview of Part 2Foundation: Your Website





Other Services, What’s Next

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Foundation: Your Website

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Where do people go when they Google you?

• Where do they go when they hear about you on Twitter?

• Where do they go to get your whole story?

Foundation: Your Website

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Where do people go when they Google you?

• Where do they go when they hear about you on Twitter?

• Where do they go to get your whole story?

Foundation: Your Website

Your Website

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Hub and Spokes






Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Build one spoke at a time

• Learn one social network at a time

• Join and join in


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Every Network Is Different• Audiences have different goals

• News? Friends? Jobs? Learning? Entertainment?

• Social conventions are different:

• Twitter: share up to 22 times per day

• Facebook: share 0-1 times per day

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

For All Networks• Quality of relationships is often more

important than number of followers.

• What’s more valuable:

• 5,000 fans who have blocked your messages


• 1,000 who support you?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• You are making real relationships. It takes time and effort

• Don't just sell, sell, sell

• Share

• Offer something of value: create it or share what others do

Always Remember

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Always Remember• Don’t become “spam” for your followers

• Post with the right frequency

• Converse: Talk and encourage conversation

• For second and later spokes: Use the same icon and username

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Blogging• A bit old school, but:

• Your blog can double as your website

• Blog posts give you something to share and talk about in other social media

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

But...• To blog effectively, you need to be able to write

things people want to read

• And you need to produce them regularly

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

If You Blog• Start with a free service, like

• Find, follow, and read similar blogs

• Link to and interact with those blogs

• Allow and respond to comments

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Example: Do the Math• Blog from Ethan Iverson,

pianist for jazz trio The Bad Plus

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

What He Does• Interviews with other musicians

• Analysis and criticism of music

• Responds to what similar blogs are doing

• Responds to comments from readers (monthly)

• No regular schedule, but 8-12 posts per month

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Why YouTube?• It’s free

• Makes it easy to get video on the web

• You can embed them on your own website

• They work on smart phones

• Give current fans something to share about you

• New fans can find you through your videos

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• YouTube account is called a “channel”: it shows all of your uploaded videos

YouTube Basics

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Videos are limited to 10 minutes, 59 seconds

• Use iMovie or Windows Movie Maker

• Technical quality can be less than pro (but have good content)

• Don't violate copyright (YouTube notices copyrighted music)

• Fill out all the fields when you upload

YouTube Basics

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• How to do things

• Previews

• Performances

• Events (you can create a slideshow of pictures)

What Videos Do You Make?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• United Breaks Guitars

• Summit of Awesome (on Vimeo)


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Once you have them, use those videos in othersocial media venues

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Make a Page• Don’t use your own profile

• Don’t make a group

• Pages are meant for promotion:


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Profile• Limited to 5,000


• Does not provide in depth stats

• Groups• Meant for sharing

amongst a group.

• Members get tons of (annoying) notifications

Why a Page?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Fill out all the slots

• Your page name is permanent after you reach 100 fans

• You can choose a URL after 25 fans

• Add some pictures

Setting Up Your Page

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Your own content

• Performances

• Photographs (people can tag friends)

• Videos (including YouTube)

• Ask questions, answer questions

• Content people can use (how-tos can work great)

• What do people read? Check your stats

What to Post

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Event invites can be very insistent, so use with care

• If you would send a paper invite, go for it

• Use in addition to other means

• You can create events with your Facebook page, but invites come from you personally

What to Post: Events

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• According to

• Post every other day

• Saturday is a good day to post

• So are mornings


How Often to Post? When?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• According to

• Post every other day

• Saturday is a good day to post

• So are mornings


How Often to Post? When?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

See what works for you

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Mention it everywhere

• Website

• Print materials

• E-mails

• Could use paid ads, but I haven’t seen them to be very effective yet

Promote your page

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Posts about music, teaching, upcoming events

Ex. Keweenaw Family Music

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Twitter: Social Media Darling• The 140 character

limitation is somehow compelling

• It’s a bit of a secret language

• But—of 175,000,000 accounts, how many are active?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Set up your profile first• Twitter name (shorter is better)

• Location

• Website

• Bio: 160 chars

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Start w/ Twitter on the Web• Follow people

• Getting followed

• Mentioning/replying

• Retweeting

• Hashtags

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Your own content

• Performances

• Photographs

• Videos (YouTube links)

• Ask questions, answer questions

• Content people can use

• Pictures

• Send out news & links

• OH: overheard

• #FollowFriday

• Repost things (on Twitter, things are gone in 5 minutes)

• Up to 22× per day

What to tweet

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Ex: They Might Be Giants

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

What They Do• Converse with fans (a lot)

• Post videos

• Make announcements

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Twitter has good ones

• Tweet deck is popular

• Hootsuite is great for orgs

Get a Good Twitter App

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Have lots of accounts

• Share social media duties

• Preschedule things

• But—costs money


Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

Other Social Media

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• MySpace

• Flickr

• Vimeo

• Tumblr

Similar to What We’ve Seen

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers

• Who knows? But these might be interesting

• Foursquare

• Kickstarter

What’s Next?

Copyright © 2011 Michael Powers
