Prioritize your intelligences


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Prioritize Your Intelligences

NAME: Francheska David

List the intelligences in order from the one intelligence that is most developed in you to the one that is least developed as they relate to you. Write a brief description how you have come to believe this. Be specific (perhaps give an example that explains your ranking).

My most (1st) developed intelligence is: Intrapersonal intelligenceo My evidence is: that I understand my self and that I’m capable of controlling my temper and realize what’s best for me and even receive advises without getting mad.

My 2nd most developed intelligence is: Spatial intelligence o My evidence is: that I’m capable of imagining stuff and even if they are black and white I will end up putting colors in it just to make it perfect and colorful and importantly full of life.

My 3rd most developed intelligence is: Naturalistic intelligenceMy evidence is:that I’m very good at explaining subjects when it comes to the ocean. For example I love the beach and I love researching on it and even going out in the open water and exploring the wonders and beauty of it.

My 4th most developed intelligence is: Interpersonal intelligenceo My evidence is: that I’m capable of understanding others people’s feelings. I will walk in their shoes and I will never judge a book by its cover.

My 5th most developed intelligence is: Musical intelligenceo My evidence is: I love music. If I had the ability to sing and write music I will gladly do it. Music Is a great way to express feelings same with dancing I love dancing it runs in the family.

My 6th most developed intelligence is: Bodily—kinesthetic intelligenceo My evidence is: that when I talk I used my hands a lot. Like for example if I’m trying to talk to you I will start using my hands and explain what’s wrong.

My 7th most developed intelligence is: Linguistic intelligenceo My evidence is: I will much rather write a note than going up to a person and telling them how I feel towards them. I think is a great way of expressing how you feel instead

of arguing and fighting about it

My 8th most developed intelligence is: Logical mathematical intelligenceo My evidence is : that numbers is my weakness and that I mostly need help on this subject. This means that most likely I will be taking some tutorial and joining study groups.

Finally, what insights can you draw from this activity?

That sometimes it takes words and even music to express how a person feels. Finding out that a person is is not easy because you can never get to know a person very well. That’s why I never judge a book by its cover, is better to get to know the person and then realize what type of person he or she is, because appearances can fool you even when you don’t realize it.
