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Flowers in our Ecosystem

Flower Types

Wild Flowers Tropical Flowers Exotic Flowers

Red Poppy Piper Voodoo Lily

Blanket Flower Calla Bleeding Heart Plant

Chicory Firecracker Plant Phoenix




Organisms are identified by these seven indicators.

When talking about them just the last two are used


Flower Identification

Common Name: American MarigoldScientific Name: Tagetes erecta

Anatomy of a Flower

Flowers are made up of five main parts.• Stamen• Pistil• Sepal• Ovule• Stem

These make up and perform the main

functions of a flower.

Reproduction of a Plant

• Flowers are the reproductive organs of a plant.• Plant survival is shown by its flowering.• Some plants don’t require the flowering

process to reproduce.• This form of propagation is called asexual

reproduction.• The cross-fertilization is the method used to

fertilize these plants.

Reproduction Vocab.

Sepal: Green colored exterior protective coverings of a flower.

Petal: Brightly colored to attract pollinating insects. Framed by sepals.

Nectar: Sweet liquid at the petals base that attracts insects.

Stamens: Pollen producing male organs that include the anther and supporting filament.

Carpels: Female organs that produce ovules inside the ovary, which is attached to the style and sigma.

Ecosystems and our Flowers

Plants and flowers are at the center of the ecosystem we occupy. Flowers are the reproductive organs to the plants that filter our air and support our lives. Surviving through the processes of competition, predation, cooperation, and

symbiosis are what it takes for these plants to last.

Good vs. Bad

Positives of Flowers in our Ecosystems

Some plant species work well with the surrounding

ecosystem and lend to its needs. These plants feed

organisms in the area as well as filtering the environment.

Negatives of Flowers in our Ecosystems

Weed species that are invasive and useless such as

knapweed spread quickly and out grow the native species.

These plants lead to a decrease in forage and an

increase in soil erosion.

Flowers and the Environment

• Flowers interact with the environment directly through flowers.

• Honey Bees pollinate countless acres of agriculture.• The crops that we depend on as a civilization depend on bees

to pollinate and keep them alive.• A third of the food eaten by the average citizen can be

attributed to the pollination by Honey Bee.

Honey Bee

• Ruled by a queen.• Social insects that live together in groups

(hives).• Female workers build the hives.• Female workers collect nectar and produce

honey.• Bright color pattern to warn off predators.

Honey Bee Cont.

Field bees search for nectar to take back to the hive. As they do this pollen sticks to the bee’s legs. This pollen then rubs off on the next

plant greeted by this particular bee. Most plants

get pollinated this way.

Flower Uses

• Gardens• Gifts

• Cheer-me-ups• Romance• Smell

• Environment pollination

Venus Fly Trap

SourcesPage One— ClipArtPage Two— http://www.flowers-cs.com/type_of_flowers.html , http://

www.flowers-page.com/tropical_flowers.html , http://www.tropical-plants-flowers-and-decor.com/rare-flowers.html , ClipArt

Page Three—http://urbanext.illinois.edu/annuals/directory.cfmPage Four— http://www.education.com/worksheet/article/anatomy-of-flower/ , ClipArtPage Five— http


Page Six— http://www.theflowerexpert.com/content/aboutflowers/flower-biologyPage Seven— http://www.theflowerexpert.com/content/aboutflowers/flower-biologyPage Eight— http://www.google.com/imgres?q=ecosystems&hl=en&client=firefox-

a&hs=kXB&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1440&bih=781&tbm=isch&tbnid=Jf5548dyaEDyLM:&imgrefurl=http://www.andysalo.com/2010/04/09/startup-ecosystems/&docid=UafJlgzV-B5t-M&w=317&h=289&ei=qdiTTvrhEtS3tgeJq-icBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=539&vpy=172&dur=30&hovh=214&hovw=235&tx=125&ty=91&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=140&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0 , http://www.fi.edu/tfi/units/life/habitat/habitat.html

Sources Cont.Page Nine— http://www.wildflowers-and-weeds.com/weeds.htmPage Ten— ClipArt, http://www.talkingnature.com/2010/01/biodiversity/bees-

pollination/Page Eleven— ClipArt, http://

seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2016439660_aziz08m.html , http://www.gpnc.org/honeybee.htm

Page Twelve— ClipArt, http://www.gpnc.org/honeybee.htm#CCDPage Thirteen— ClipArtPage Fourteen— ClipArtPage Fifteen— http://www.google.com/imgres?
