Post2385 paleoneolithic2010 2


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Assignments for next week (I also sent this out in an e-mail)

• Week 2 T Aug 31 Art of the Ancient Near East 1Stokstad 26-39

Th Sept 2 Art of the Ancient Near East 2Stokstad 39-47

Prehistoric Art

Homo Erectus

Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Woman from Dolní Vestonice. 23,000 BCE. 4 1/4

1 7/10”.

Franco-Catabrian TriangleLascauxChauvet

Chauvet Cave

• Stokstad 1-9

PS:c., ca. = Latin “circa”= “around”BP= before presentBCE=before common eraCE= common era


Permanent Settlements=

Çatalhöyük, Turkey. 7400–6200 BCE.

Gold Face Mask. Neolithic, 3800 BCE.

Gold Scepters. 3800 BCE.
