Plegable biología molecular


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“New discovery reveals how RNA moves genetic information from DNA to create proteins”

and “Study offers new insights into how genome gets

regulated by signalling molecules within human cells”

Sara Puche Gómez

Medicine student III semester


DNA replication is the process in which a double strand generated two strands daughters .

RNA transcription is the process in whicha segment of DNA is copied into RNAm this results in a RNA complement that includes uracil (U) in all instances where thymine (T) would have occurred in a DNA complement. Then it will be used to create proteins

Both investigations focused their attention on the “control code” of these two vital processes to find possible causes of diseases like cancer or autism.

“New discovery reveals how RNA moves genetic information from DNA

to create proteins”NEWS MEDICAL July 15, 2013

the RNA transcription is regulated by proteins as ADN replication, this fact led to scientists to research more about the RNA “control code” because many human diseases are due to defects on it.

NEWS MEDICAL July 15, 2013

RBFOX1, a controller gene expression protein is a good example of the power of RNA control.This protein also stabilizes RNA

NEWS MEDICAL July 15, 2013

RBFOX1 ensures the activity of genes important for the function of nerve cells in the brain. The protein is turn off in the brains of patients with autism.

The RBFOX1 detect patterns in RNA molecules which are altered, exercising a control to RNA processing and movement.

This knowledge is essential to develop new treatment for autism and another diseases

NEWS MEDICAL July 15, 2013 -


We are living on a proteomic century, and I think is very interesting to look at

deeply into the mechanism of RNA transcription, because, proteins that

control this process have the answer to several misunderstood diseases, besides

I think our government should invest much money on these kind of researches

“Study offers new insights into how genome gets regulated by signalling molecules within human

cells”NEWS MEDICAL July 2, 2013

The DNA replication is regulated by enzymes as the RNA transcription in a very similar way. But in the first case a family of complexes switch off gene expression, and they in turn are regulated by small signalling molecules called inositol phosphates.

NEWS MEDICAL July 2, 2013 -

Inositol phosphates are a group of mono- to polyphosphorylated inositols. They play crucial roles in diverse cellular functions such as:

cell growth apoptosis cell migration endocytosis cell differentiation

Histone Deacetylases (HDACs) are enzymes that regulate the DNA replication, HDACs causes the DNA to become more tightly packaged and genes switches off by making them unavailable for expression. HDACs are recruited to DNA by corepressors (MTA1 - Metastasis-associated protein 1 )that target the enzyme to the correct gene..

There is an inositol phosphate-binding site at the interface between the HDACs and its corepressors MTA1, for that reason inositol phosphates are thought as the key regulator throughout this class of enzyme.


Cancer research has still been target of several scientific fields, I think is very

important to understad how the proteins interact at the atomic level to improve

cancer treatment, after all medicine every time is more and more molecular. As a medicine student is essential to see

the life since the basic principle: the genome.

Undoubtedly, the answer to human diseases is in the

cell Nucleus, specifically at the

human genome

cancer and autism are two diseases that present alteration in the DNA or RNA “control code”, that’s why it is

important studing the regulators mechanisms of genetic expression

Understanding the interactions of proteins that control replication and transcription will allow

developing new drugs and treatments to combat several diseases


Misunderstood diseases will be

studied based on the proteins that control


BIBLIOGRAPHYMartínez S, Lina María. Biología Molecular. 7 ed. Medellín: UPB. Facultad de Medicina, 2012. 74,,85,89. P

Schwabe, John. Study offers new insights into how genome gets regulated by signalling molecules within human cells. News medical, (online magazine),2013(July2). available online: cells. aspx.

Morris, Quaid. Ray, Debashish. Kazan, Hilal. Hughes, Tim. New discovery reveals how RNA moves genetic information from DNA to create proteins. News medical, (online magazine), 2013(July15) available online: