Period 2 Gender Roles Presentation


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Men are (usually) stronger than women

Men are (usually) leaders in anything (country, business, etc.)

Men (usually) have handy jobs (plumber, electrician, etc.)

Women get manicures and pedicures

Women usually cook more than men

Women (usually) sing more often

Men prefer math and science

Men like watching sports

Men appreciate good cars

Women are more creative

Women like to create drama

Women spend a lot of time in front of a mirror

Males should be able to do yard work

Males should know how to use a firearm

Males should be able to fight off a


Females should be able to cook

Females should not be taller than a male

Females should be able to change a diaper

She should wear a dress at least twice

in her life

She should know how to cook at least

one meal

She should know how to

put on makeup.

He should always wear

pants, never a dress or a skirt.

He should shave his facial hair.

He should know about his


Women’s Roles #1

Women should be good with crafts, such as origami and sewing.

Women’s Roles #2

Women should know how to cook.

Women’s Roles #3

Women should care for the children.

Men’s Roles #1

Men should mow the lawn.

Men’s Roles #2

Men should not cry.

Men’s Roles #3

Men should be competitive and should focus on their careers.

Gender Roles-Female

Females should be sensitive and caring

Women should be strong since they have a lot to do in one day with a family and a job

Women should share the role of making decisions in a family

Males should be able to protect his family

Men should treat women with respect

Men should have a successful job

Male Roles

Males should be strong

Males should be handymen

Female Roles

Females Have Long Hair

Females Cook

Females are polite

Hair and What Not to Wear….



Jobs and responsibilities…



• Men are generally stereotyped as possessing more physical strength and being more aggressive than women.

• In terms of their interests, men are stereotyped as playing with more “masculine” toys like trucks, being more athletic, and participating in more violent activities. Consequentially, things such as warring and hinting are generally seen as being male dominated.

• Men tend to be more competitive in nature than women. They are less interdependent than females in their relationships.

• Women are generally stereotyped as being more kind and gentle than men. Women also tend to be more interdependent in their relationships.

• Women are generally stereotyped as having the role of being the housekeepe r and family- raiser in a relationship.

• In terms of their interests, women are stereotyped as playing with more “feminine” toys such as dolls, and participating in more peaceful activities such as knitting.

Girlsshould like ponies.


should wear dresses.


can be loud.

Boyscan be violent.


can make messes.


should be silent.