#PDR15 - PebbleKit iOS 3.0


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2015 Pebble Developer Retreat

PebbleKit iOS 3.0

Marcel Jackwerth, iOS Engineer

Outline•Recap: What is PebbleKit? •What is new? • 8K App Messages • Support for Pebble Time Round • Isolated Sessions via Bluetooth Low Energy • Swift 2.0, Bitcode

•What are the breaking API changes? •How do I upgrade?

What is PebbleKit?And when should I use it?

What’s new?

8KApp Messages

with up to 8000 bytes in both directions

Bluetooth LE Connectivity

App Messages•Less data splitting needed → easier to work with•Less waiting on ACKs → reduced overhead, up to 5x faster

•Optimal size depends on your use-case


Good: Check Capabilities 8K[watch getVersionInfo:^(PBWatch *watch, PBVersionInfo *info) { BOOL supports8k = (info.remoteProtocolCapabilitiesFlags & PBRemoteProtocolCapabilitiesFlagsAppMessage8kSupported) != 0;

if (supports8k) { // … }} onTimeout:nil];

Avoid: Maximum Sizes 8Kconst uint32_t inbound = app_message_inbox_size_maximum();const uint32_t outbound = app_message_outbox_size_maximum();app_message_open(inbound, outbound);

⚠This will reduce your heap size by 16,000 bytes if your watch app is compiled with the latest SDK and your companion app uses the new PebbleKit!

Best: Communicate Sizes 8Kconst uint32_t inbound = MIN(512, app_message_inbox_size_maximum());const uint32_t outbound = MIN(256, app_message_outbox_size_maximum());app_message_open(inbound, outbound);

DictionaryIterator *iter;app_message_outbox_open(&iter);Tuplet value = TupletInteger(KEY_INIT_INBOX_SIZE, inbound);dict_write_tuplet(iter, &value);app_message_outbox_send();

What’s new?

8KApp Messages

with up to 8000 bytes in both directions

Bluetooth LE Connectivity

Bluetooth Low Energy aka

Isolated App SessionCompatibility with Pebble Time Round

Shared App Session

Shared App Session

Pandora iOS App

Shared Session

Pandora Pebble App

Shared App Session

Pandora iOS App

Shared Session

Pandora Pebble App

Shared App Session

Pandora iOS App

runkeeper iOS App

Shared Session

Pandora Pebble App

runkeeper Pebble App

Shared App Session

Pandora iOS App

runkeeper iOS App

Shared Session

Pandora Pebble App

runkeeper Pebble App

Shared App Session

Pandora iOS App

runkeeper iOS App

Shared Session

Pandora Pebble App

runkeeper Pebble App

Isolated App Sessions

Pandora iOS App

Pandora Pebble App

Isolated App Sessions

Pandora iOS App

Pandora Pebble App f01d…

Isolated App Sessions

Pandora iOS App

runkeeper iOS App

Pandora Pebble App f01d…

runkeeper Pebble App b13a…

Launch App from Watch

Pandora Pebble App

Requires UIBackgroundModes to contain “bluetooth-peripheral” and “bluetooth-central”

Launch App from Watch

Pandora Pebble App f01d…

Requires UIBackgroundModes to contain “bluetooth-peripheral” and “bluetooth-central”

Launch App from Watch

Pandora iOS App

Pandora Pebble App f01d…

Requires UIBackgroundModes to contain “bluetooth-peripheral” and “bluetooth-central”

Breaking API Changes•App UUIDs are now of type NSUUID (was: NSData) •PebbleCentral starts in a cold state •You have to run it so that it scans for watches •lastConnectedWatch will not contain a connected Pebble before nor immediately after you called run (was possible before) - wait for pebbleCentral:watchDidConnect: after you called run.

Breaking API Changes

central.delegate = self; uuid_t appUUIDBytes; NSUUID *appUUID = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:”f00d…”]; [appUUID getUUIDBytes:appUUIDBytes]; central.appUUID = appUUIDBytes;


Breaking API Changes


central.delegate = self;

NSUUID *appUUID = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:”f00d…”];

central.appUUID = appUUID;

[central run];

Bad: Run, Configure, Manual Check

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

[[PBPebbleCentral defaultCentral] run]; [PBPebbleCentral defaultCentral].appUUID = [NSUUID …]; PBWatch *watch = [PBPebbleCentral defaultCentral].lastConnectedWatch; if (watch.isConnected) { … } return YES; }

Good: Configure, Run, React

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

[PBPebbleCentral defaultCentral].delegate = self; [PBPebbleCentral defaultCentral].appUUID = [NSUUID …]; [[PBPebbleCentral defaultCentral] run]; }

- (void)pebbleCentral:(PBPebbleCentral *)central watchDidConnect:(PBWatch *)watch { … }

•Nullability Annotations•Generics

Swift 2.0

•Xcode 7.0.1 started to claim that it isn’t (when using CocoaPods and building an Archive)• If you run into any issues we recommend that you disable it with ENABLE_BITCODE=NO

Bitcode included


Still necessary to be compatible with Pebble and Pebble Steel


How to Update

pod “PebbleKit”, “~> 3.0.0”

Or just replace the PebbleKit.framework with its new version manually, available here:



CHMultiDictionary CHMutableDictionary DDASLLogger DDFileLogger DDLog DDTTYLogger NSJSONSerialization+ObjectWithNString NSJSONSerialization+PBJSONHelpers NSString+HexData UIDevice-Hardware

You can remove it from your project if you don’t use any of the classes or methods that it contained:


Recap•Why? •8K App Messages, Better Background Experience •Support Pebble Time Round and be ready when other Pebble models switch to Bluetooth Low Energy

•How? •Get the new PebbleKit.framework •Set appUUID, then [central run]


Licenses & Attribution• Isolation Icon by Griffin Mullins

