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Our Green


In our country, thanks to the existing varied relief and the temperate climate, there are numerous types of natural ecosystems, among which forests represent a third of Romania`s surface.

Taking into account the dominant type of vegetation and also the altitude, the forests in our country could be divided in hardwood forests and conifers forests.

Conifers Forest

Covers most of the highest regions in our mountains.

Conifers are tall trees with straight trunks without ramifications, with narrow leaves called needles which have a wax coating. These leaves do not fall in autumn.

White Fir TreeWhite Fir Tree

Spruce Tree Spruce Tree

Black Pine TreeBlack Pine Tree

Larch Tree Larch Tree It is the only coniferous tree whose leaves turn golden and fall in autumn.

Yew TreeYew Tree

JuniperJuniperThe only shrub which grows in our mountains.

Hardwood Forest

Trees lose their leaves in autumn and the photosynthesis process stops.

Oak Tree Oak Tree

Beech Tree Beech Tree

Maple TreeMaple Tree

Birch TreeBirch Tree

Elm TreeElm Tree

Chestnut TreeChestnut Tree

Lime Tree (Tilia) Lime Tree (Tilia)

Black PoplarBlack Poplar

Forests are not only beautiful and a place where the modern man can relax, they produce oxygen, so they clean the air.

Forests also bring rain and make the soil richer. They prevent land erosion and land slides too. A very important thing is that forests are home to many animals, birds and insects, some of them unique in their beauty.

A hectare of forest take 3,7 tones of carbon dioxide and produces 2 million tones of oxygen!!!

It is necessary to cut down 24

trees in order to get one tone of laser paper, and for another tone of newspapers 12 trees must


Paper can be recycled up to seven times without adding any new fibers

and every tone of recycled paper saves 17 trees from being cut down!

A single oak tree, during its existence, can offer oxygen enough for a human being to breathe for 20 years.

Forests produce about two thirds of the oxygen used by the living world.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

You, the one who are just passing by, stop for a moment and listen to the trees of your forests, they have something to say!

Listen carefully and if you can, stop the killing axe!

Trees -vertical- are our connection to the sky…if we cut them down, we will be nothing but some poor, hopeless and frozen-hearted beings, alone on earth, without the axis necessary to sustain the universe of our existence…

It will be difficult, after cutting them down, to support - we, just some poor human beings - the burden of the whole sky on our shoulders!