Ottawa Ruby - Ruby Tuesday - June 26, 2012



Slides from June 2012, Ottawa Ruby meetup

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Welcome toRuby Tuesday :)

June 26, 2012

Tonight’s Plan

1. Upcoming Speakers

2. Announcements

3. Introduce yourselves

4. Presentation: Sandi Metz

5. Food and schmoozing

1.Upcoming speakers

2. Announcements

3. Introduce yourselves

4. Presentation: Sandi Metz

5. Food and schmoozing

Tonight’s Plan

July Speaker:Russ Olsen

Author: Design Patterns in Ruby

Author: Eloquent Ruby

Survey ResultsRuss Olsen’s Topic

Survey ResultsRuss Olsen’s Topic

Survey ResultsRuss Olsen’s Topic

July Speaker:Russ Olsen

So, Russ will be talking about

Design Patterns In Ruby :)

(Title may change ;)

August Speaker:Avdi Grimm


Author:Exceptional Ruby, Objects on Rails, Confident Code

Ruby Rogue

August Speaker:Avdi Grimm

Talk Topic

To Be Announced

September Speaker:Gregg Pollack?

Envy Labs founder

As seen in CodeSchool videos

September Speaker:Gregg Pollack?

Up for a talk

But it may not be on Ruby

September Speaker:Gregg Pollack?

Hands Up:

Who’s Interested in Business a Tech Consulting talk?

Jeff Casimir couldn’t make it tonight... :(

Tonight’s Speaker:Sandi Metz

Talk Topic

SOLID Object Oriented Design

(in Ruby)

1. Upcoming speakers


3. Introduce yourselves

4. Presentation: Sandi Metz

5. Food and schmoozing

Tonight’s Plan

A few changes.



Lightning Talks


Lightning Talks1. Five minute talks

2. One or two each night, before main talk

3. You choose the topics, and give the presentation

4. Increases the amount of new stuff we learn each night

5. Everyone is encouraged to do one



Project Nights


Ruby Project Nights1. Once a month

2. Bring your own Ruby / Rails project

3. Work on your project, get help, give help

4. Beginner’s area: judgement-free area for newer developers for help from volunteers

5. It’ll be fun! :)

Ruby Project Nights

1. Nothing to work on? We’ll give you ideas

2. Whenbot: We’ll be working on this here.

3. Rather volunteer? Please let us know.

It’s a secret... ;)

Change #3

1. Upcoming Speakers

2. Announcements

3.Introduce yourselves

4. Presentation: Sandi Metz

5. Break: food and schmoozing

Tonight’s Plan

Introduce yourselves

We won’t bite. ;)

1. Upcoming speakers

2. Announcements

3. Introduce yourselves

4.Presentation: Sandi Metz

5. Break: food and schmoozing

Tonight’s Plan

Sandi MetzSOLID Object Oriented

Design Principles (in Ruby)

Tonight’s Speaker

1. Upcoming speakers

2. Announcements

3. Introduce yourselves

4. Presentation: Sandi Metz

5.Break: food and schmoozing

Tonight’s Plan

Food and Schmoozing...
