Orange subho


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Presenting, the proud owner of the orange bar…

“Shubo” aka




“Poc Poc”aka

“Ghosh Baba”aka



The Original Couple

But that was before IIM Bangalore…

At IIMB, Shubo found new loves..

But Raja/Rani came, strumming the melodies of his heart….

And Cupid Struck…

And IIMB never saw a couple so close…. ;)

For such was their true love….

This foot is also Property of Rajani –

Back Off!

4 Things Shubo Couldn’t Live Without

Super Slick Bluetooth Headset*

*Because iPhone audio doesn’t work**Requires companion bluetooth to work

2nd Generation iPhone

(Still kicks your HTC A$$)

Keys to his sweet ride

And his Rajani, of course.

But then came competition …. TOUGH Competition!

Saale, Close the curtains!

No Privacy man….seriously…

And that painful realization of being ‘Kabab Mein Haddi’

What am I doing


Where’s my

Rani-Jani?Where’s my Uzie-Kuzie?

Look who’s happy and look who’s sad, take 2 ;)

Target Realigned!



Oh, and battles he fought to win her heart!


The Deadly Hemidactylus Frenatus!*

*Common house lizard

And Danced his way to her heart…

Do not, absolutely DO NOT Click on this link. This link here:

We warned you. ;)

But ultimately

V for Victory! ;)

For all those who want to hoosh Subho


…be there at A Base at 23:59:59 hours!

Please, please don’t hurt me… I’m such an angel, aren’t I?
