Open Source Development And Media



Presentation slide of my session "Open Source developers from Hong Kong". Presenting "STK in AS3" (which is started by me) and a few more great open source project related to media/art. See

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Open Source Development and Media

Andy Li

Software Freedom Day

Who am I?


Studying...Bachelor of Science in Creative MediaCity University of Hong Kong

Today as a open source developer, who started the stk in as3 project.

What is stk in as3?

ActionScript (3) port of The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)

"a set of open source audio signal processing and

algorithmic synthesis classes" -from STK in C++ homepage

Sound generated by algorithms! (and play by humans)

photos from Flickr

STK are used by or can be used with...

Softwares: CSound

Max/MSP SuperCollider

Hardware implementation, by Yamaha!

Why we need a AS3 port?

Flash is good at handling multimedia... but not sound.

Dynamic sound generation, from Flash Player 10 (October 2008)

=> may result in smaller file size because no audio source is embeded

=> much more possibility for creating apps or art pieces that run in browsers!

Show time!

Few more open source projects related to media (not by me)

Flash: Degrafa standingwave

even more...

others: Processing


